Hipster Party Commissar

Big Fudge is pretty much absolutely correct.

Fact: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans' Chest had too much, not too little, story.

You never made those posts, nobody deleted them, stop asking questions. (Begins unironically reloading Party-Issue Revolver)

This was already discussed, and answered, on a previous thread. They were aware they'd be reprimanded, but the kind of reprimand would likely be a slap on the wrist, you kids are reckless, kind of reprimand, while those same officers reprimanding them would be thinking 'these kids are the best pilots I've ever

Eponymous I spit coffee up all over my keyboard. Yes I'm drinking coffee after 6pm. Yes I'm addicted.

Yeah Starfleet is more like the Peace Corps than it is some kind of Army. Comparing Star fleet to the Modern US Army is like comparing a the Modern US army to the hordes of Ghengis Khan; I supposed they are analogous organizations for their day…but the differences both in philosophy, application, and structure

Don't you ever fucking compare Jadzia Dax, or any fucking character on Deep Space Nine to fucking Tasha Yar ever again. Do you fucking hear me? DO YOU?

I was under the impression that He Hate Me is dead. Can anyone confirm this? I have a very temporary very debilitating condition where I cannot Google this, even though typing this out is about ten times the work Googling 'He Hate Me' would be.

@Chocolate Undead. Please check your E-mail for more details, but I'll summarize here for everyone's benefit:

Have we all forgotten that the events in the Garfield comic strip (and Cartoon) all take place in his delusional, hallucinating mind as he's starving to death in an abandoned house? We didn't forget that, right? Because it's canon. Merry Christmas!

Chris' complaint with the X-Mas specials was also mine. Dawn coming back was a fairy tale plot convenience. I'm not against things working out for people (Tim's "she said no" moment in that show is soul crushing) but I am against fan service. Dawn coming back was clearly just that. The entire show set up that Tim

The difference between Spike Lee and Tyler Perry is Spike Lee is a dedicated, professional, and extremely competent artist (whatever you think about his subject matter or opinions) whereas Tyler Perry is a clown. A black friend of mine frequently describes Tyler Perry films as 'black self-immolation' and I don't ever

I seriously thought that the picture was done up with Buchemeyes. But then I realized that was what she actually her. It was a more innocent time.

Point 1) You have specific beliefs. You think your beliefs are 'good'.
Point 2) Other people, who have different beliefs think your beliefs are odd, even 'bad' and would resent your beliefs being imposed upon them.
Point 3) 'Westernized Liberal Democracy is good' is a specific belief that you have.
Point 4) This

They are 'crows' in the movie. I'm not saying it's less racist, but that's a fine line they can ride to the bank. Why can they do that you ask?

Yeah I'm pretty shocked there hasn't been more Land Before Time references in this thread. That movie is brutal.

It's amazing how many special effects in older movies (watch Independence Day and then watch 2012 or Transformers to illustrate) hold up better now than anything since the CGI era began. It's kinda odd in that special effects quality has taken a massive nosedive when theoretically it should have been steadily

I don't think he could have pulled off Tom anyway. The guy just doesn't seem imposing enough to me.

More likely the authorities (I know the GPD is corrupt, but I doubt Falcone controls the FBI); since Bruce Wayne is the heir to a vast fortune and mysteriously disappeared after being dropped off in a bar controlled by a known Organized crime kingpin. I assume if they find a bum with the coat they probably won't

How has the marketplace changed exactly? If anything technology is likely to make things easier for small-scale filmmakers. Take, for example, the internet. Right now guys are making and releasing movies on micro budgets and releasing them online to at least some return. I understand that you have a Hollywood