Hipster Party Commissar

Bradbury is weird in that he's an anti-technology Sci-fi writer. Fahrenheit 451 is basically his nightmare of what the future will be like; with machines replacing simple humanity and culture replaced by meaningless, vapid stimulation (The Jersey Shore, anyone?). He's kinda like the anti-Asimov in that regard.

That's a good point. The idiots would just latch onto it as another example of Obama being a commie-nazi-muslim from Venus who eats babies. And most anti-government stuff today is part of the capitalists drive to destroy central power so they can carve the country into unregulated fiefdoms.

France was, historically, Europe's predominant military power (they were also able to hold off, and ultimately beat The German Empire in WWI). Also, despite the utter failure in nearly every capacity of the Third Republic in 1940, France made positive showings in most of the wars it was ever engaged in, for most of

Yeah 'Fuck That', it's almost not worth mentioning because it should be inherently obvious… but the reason why older movies seem to be of consistently higher quality is because the lesser ones have been forgotten and only the best have stuck with us.

I fail to see what things that Monsanto may (or may not) have done in the past has to do with the viability and usefulness of GM crops in the now. Corporations are evil assholes that would rape you for a nickle, their job is to make money, period, that's capitalism. Anybody who thinks that you can have any kind of

Good old white people; having no idea what Affirmative Action is, does, or means since 1961

I don't know what's more interesting from a race-relations standpoint about Tom and Jerry. The fact that Tom was, originally 'voiced' by a black jazz singer type (He sings in a few of the old cartoons, which are also the best; this is also back when the human figure was a 'mammy' stereotype and Tom was inexplicably

I had a (black) friend of mine describe the collected works of Tyler Perry as 'black self-immolation'. I was inclined to agree with him; it's like their version of the Tea Party.

I also first read it as 'spinal-cord' phone. I think it was because we both read Caffeine Spider's post above about the High School quarterback getting shot in the spine…that's the kind of thing that doesn't leave your mind too quickly.

I spent the first fucking half of my life being asked if the pipes were calling me, or if I was, in my spare time, a drywall man. PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE SO GODDAMN FUNNY

An important point to make here is that "Severed Dreams" is the best episode of anything ever.

Yeah Tuexedo, you have to have your head pretty far in a hole to think that the the law is against men when it comes to rape. Look up the statistics and tell me that what little prosecution there is against forcible rape is some kind of entrapment conspiracy.

Voyager Did 'fucked up' better. Remember the episode 'Fear'? Or the one where the Doctor went crazy because he started remembering memories Janeway had deleted where he had to choose one person to save and another to die? Or fucking Tuvix? TNG never, ever went into places that dark.

Does somebody need to post the 'Garbage Day!' clip here to convince you that Silent Night Deadly Night 2 was redeemed by pure, unfiltered insanity (and likely cocaine)?

Miss M.A.R.P.L.E. (Martial Arts/Recondite Programs and Liaisons Expert)
This can't be true. It's impossible. There is no way they are doing this. This is the kind of thing that Family Guy or The Simpsons might make fun of Hollywood for doing. It's….I've never seen Miss Marple or whatever….but…no they can't be

Random, ultimately true fact loosely tied to a post a few people up:

Yeah don't delete it! Think of this seasons as a single contained story. As many problems as I have with Anime Japan has a better model for how to do TV than we do. Rather than stretching it out for as long as possible they make most shows 1 or 2 seasons (Bebop is 26 episodes). Think of Lights Out as something

As for the O'Brien Must Suffer thing….Imagine Miles O'Brien walking past you with his smoking hot wife. Just imagine it. Meanwhile you get to go home alone and comment on the AV Club.

I jumped all the way down to the bottom without reading half of this thread because somebody said Spike Lee was just like Tyler Perry. I don't want to accuse anybody of any prejudice, but these two men are so absurdly different that it's pretty much laughable to make that statement. I don't even know where to start,

The faulty crux of the entire organic vs mechanical argument seems to be that there is a realistic and non-ridiculous way to have a man shoot fucking webs to get himself around town.