Hipster Party Commissar

Good good. The Radiohead backlash is going exactly as planned. I'm looking forward to some really loud denunciations at the next loyalty meeting…where I trust everyone will have a pair of AC shoes on.

Robocop has a pretty tight script. It's basically the perfect action movie and it does everything it needs to do without any fluff or anything really lacking. Remaking it is dumb, and we can all pretty much see where it's going. There is probably going to be a lot more focus on Robocop's memories and the 'man v.

I'm very disappointed that in the intervening 12+ hours between when Lobsters 1 posted the above, subsequently winning the internet, nobody has given him any kind of prize.

I love them. That is because the only thing unironic about me is my appreciation of irony.

All I want, here in DC, is for the city to erect a squad of Brotherhood of Steel paladins guarding the Jefferson memorial. I know I'll never get it, and I might even be a little bit silly to even think about it - but it'll always be Project Purity to me.

I liked Sela. But then again I think Romulans are the bomb and want them to be in everything. They are the Federation's natural rivals, and the fact that the post WW2…er Dominion War Federation/Romulan Cold War setup the DS9 was playing at towards the end never came to pass really pissed me off. What did they do

I agree with Skunk Ape, Cliffy tells it straight- no suckers allowed. Also Uh is a sell out, I rate his comment a 0.5.

If I am remembering clearly, Raskolnikov saw a donkey or mule being beaten to death, not a horse..and it was in a dream where he was a little kid again. So possibly it was a memory. Either way that scene really got to me when I read it as a kid. Crime and Punishment is such a badass book.

I don't get the 'learn to play a real guitar!' nerdrage when it comes to Guitar Hero/Rock Band. Who the fuck cares? Nobody on the planet is going to, or has ever, confused Rock Band with actually playing a musical instrument. It is not a threat to you people who actually play musical instruments; calm the hell

I think that is just what was 'reported' by some of the porn stars who were there. But yeah the cops need to bust his ass the next party he goes to. At this point they have more than probable cause. On the other hand he's white and wealthy, so cocaine is pretty much legal for him anyway.

Wait, Eponymous: do people actually not like the last season of DS9? The last season of that show, as the Dominion war came to it's climax and conclusion, is war sci-fi at it's absolute finest. Whatever minor failings you have in any of the episodes is more than made up for by brilliant plot arching. This is the

So how far along are you in your Mein Kampf "adaptation", Vandermonde?

This is probably the only place on the internet you're going to get this many shockingly well informed faux Shakespear quotes. Fantastic, I'm impressed. Tonight, everybody lives.

There really isn't anything wrong with BSG seasons 3 and 4. Sure the brilliant conceit of the show (Civilization destroyed, rag-tag-fleet running like hell) had by necessity worn off at that point; but that's structural. There was nothing wrong with the show, it was still entertaining, thought provoking television.

Mother Simpson is indeed excellent….even sublime. But nothing, nothing is more devastating than the ending of Jurassic Bark.

It's amazing how many Clone High references just go over the top of nearly all of the people here. By all rights a hilarious obscure, snarky, single season MTV cartoon series should have Hipsters jerking off so hard they end up in the emergency room.

Claiming that Empire Strikes Back is, on any level, inferior to Star Wars is just plain old silly.

^ + 100 points

I think the female dinosaur thing was because the scientists didn't want to cause the worldwide Dinosaur V. Human MMA fight that would happen if they got loose and started populating Earth.

@ Erotically Domestic. You have sex with your dryer? Dude I think you're doing it wrong..