Hipster Party Commissar

2001 Must have been an oversight, because the 'good' list had Day the Earth stood still from the 50's….although it did imply that aliens used magic rocks to evolve apes into man so take that for what it's worth.

The problem really isn't that people are dumber than always, stupidity has been around since the get go. The problem now is that all the dumb people can get each other 'riled up' using advanced communication techniques and form a kind of collective unintelligence.

It is eventually…There is just a 10 paragraph preamble before we get to the movie. Rabin's a good writer, a really good writer. But sometimes I feel like there needs to be a large, powerful, and wholly sentient 'GET-TO-THE-POINT' hammer that floats around the AV Club offices.

Yep, that's right - traumatic brain injuries can cause pronounced mental illness, up to and including severe psychosis and schizophrenia (some form of which Busey could probably be diagnosed with)

No dude that's Sandler - I'm sure of it.

I was starting to go into full blown Av Club Newswire posts about the insane Spider-man: Turn off the Dark disaster withdrawal.

Yeah I'd imagine that the most vitriolic TK hatred would come from practicing Christians who have enough sense to realize that he's absolutely worthless.

Another option is for the AV Club to institute some kind of function that allows people to proofread what they write before hitting the 'post' button.

The Cardassians were originally conceived, I believe I read, as a cypher for crappy 1930's Fascist governments like Bulgaria or Romania; corrupt, often nonsensical, chaotic, but unflinchingly brutal to those weaker than them.

I'm starting to really get excited about this play. You can just feel it building up to something huge; all the signs are there. Like there is going to be some completely insane disaster related to it that destroys 4 city blocks and leaves hundreds of thousands more homeless.

I love 2001. But I also love Tarkovsky's Solaris…and Stalker…and The Sacrifice….and Mirror…..and The Last Action Hero….so go ahead and take my opinion with a grain of salt.

What I don't understand is how balls shatteringly stupid it was. I mean did he just remember he had to do the section like the night before and scrambled to find something? I find it very hard to believe that, even if he was doing that, the same Google search for 'new comics' wouldn't have revealed to him that the

The argument you are making, Russell, is essentially that 'gross things can't be good'. You gussy it up with all kinds of personal experience stuff but that's essentially what you are saying. It's OK if you can't handle more extreme stuff.

To be honest. I don't see anything unreleasable about 'The Day the Clown Cried' after reading about it. Dark, yes, horrible, yes. But what's wrong with that? Are we afraid of how people will react?

Road to El Dorado and Emperors New Groove are both fantastic. But El Dorado wins out.

What the fuck is wrong with giving everybody what they want.

I think the third one woke everybody up to the fact that the first two were actually pretty similar to the third one. True the third one was the worst, but the first two were actually a lot like it. That happens a lot, when a really shitty example of something breaks the spell and you start to look at the ones

Back to work!

I actually saw the Third Film last night. Again I liked some of the individual scenes were great and whomever they hired as set designer needs to get some kind of award. But the plot made no sense, at all. For a franchise that seems dead set on extending itself into eternity they certainly felt the bizarre need to

I didn't bother seeing the Third movie, but the second one was such a complete mess. I normally don't like that kind of movie criticism, because honestly it's just one step up from the utterly worthless observation 'it sucked'. But in this case it's true.