Hipster Party Commissar

Two words, "High Violet". It might not be The National's Best (that's Boxer, kiddies) but it's the one that most blatantly demands mainstream attention. As as much of an indie snob as I am sworn to being those guys really deserve some attention and cash for what they are doing.

You realize this is the Grammys we are talking about, right?

I think that they are clowns, and that this is an act and always has been. The stuff they do is just too absurdly stupid. The 'feud' with Eminem where they called him 'Slim Anus', setting up his classic retort implying his anus surely was slim, as he did not receive penises up into it as they did.

Joe Pesci can convincingly play any role ever written as a sociopath mobster - And I propose that everybody benefits from this.

This is troubling. That Owl can stop the gerbil, but we'll need some kind of tectonic event that disturbs the ocean floor hot vents to deal with lanternfish.

Second Hand Lions is a genuinely good film. It's kinda maudlin at times and the kid is the weakest part of it, but the tragic emotional core of the movie (Duvall's loss) rings true regardless of whatever else goes on.

I absolutely got what Duvall was conveying in those scenes. He was in complete shock, and the logical pragmatic person he is he expresses this shock not through emotion, but through cold businesslike pandering. I notice that there is even a sense of pleading in it. He perfectly captures a man with a lot of dignity

Everyone: This thread is getting dangerously close to attracting SuperCapitalists. Faux-intellectuals who suck Barry Goldwater's dick while somehow simultaneously liking Sarah Palin and thinking that making truck payments means they 'get' the macro complexities of a global post industrial society. In turn, these

Fact Check is correct. There is a serious difference between geographically specific stories having geographically specific characters and outright racism. As much as we might want to retcon LoTR into a modern racially sensitivity it wasn't written in one. Sure the Southerlings and Sauron's other human allies were

Conan has a better show now. I know I'm watching it.

Literally every MCR song I've ever been forced to listen to is a direct rip off of another older song. I know that borrowing is common in today's music industry, but these are like covers with new lyrics.

Can we just have an entire article and subsequent comments section that's just Lobsters1 and Binky going back and forth? Their mutually insane disassociation just perfectly meshes together. It's fascinatingly glorious.

Despite my formidable irony training, Crazy Gibberish, it can still be hard to detect in text form…but I think those are the rats balls you are talking about…and that growth is totally natural.

Vet is clearly a troll. The generic conservative name, the liberal bashing, the faux Obama picture. That is an account brought out to bait progressives in articles like this. Stop feeding.

Ah, ElDan. To be a troll is one thing, but to be just absolutely, obviously fucking wrong is entirely another.

The Ultimate problem here is that Fox News effectively controls the pace and nature of any public debate. So, they can donate as much money as they want to anybody they want. I'm sure the 1 million will be ramped up far higher in the 2012 campaign. They don't have to worry about ethics regulations because 1) they

No no Mediocre is fine. Remember the entire point is to not actually 'like' anything. It's to like things that don't actually exist but are clever cultural phantoms, like 'Surfer Blood' for instance. They've never actually recorded a song.

@Amirite Mid January, check your email.

I'll be sending out emails when the backlash is ready to begin, no sooner.

Grace Park makes Hawaii Five-0 watchable (even if on mute). Disagreeing with this is an admission that you like little boys.