Hipster Party Commissar

go to Neflix on demand and just start streaming the show, straight from episode one (it's all on there). It's not like it's a difficult or complicated show to become involved in.

"Gangs of New York" is just a working title they decided to go with because the movie's actual name, "The Daniel Day Lewis Movie Starring Daniel Day Lewis" was a bit too long for the posters, despite the fact that it's a much better description of and advertisement for the film.

I'm well aware that by posting like this I'm doing exactly what I hate. But I'm going to say it once. It's not the firsties that piss me off, it's the endless stream of firsty-replies. These replies are the exact same things that we see on every article. They aren't new, they aren't funny, (usually, there are some

I actually really like 'Last Action Hero'. The reasons people give me why they didn't like it always seem to fall into 'ok they didn't get it' territory.

The 'You, you went into space!' exchange between Frank Grimes and Homer mentioned earlier in the threat is one of the reasons I think that the Grimes episode is a complete deconstruction of the show. Not just as an example of comparing Grimes to Homer, but by adding continuity and referencing old episodes.

Incorrect, FFVI absolutely needs to be remade. Primarily because it's not being experienced by modern gamers. The game has everything you need, an engaging plot, an intriguing system, and brilliantly conceived characters. An entire new generation should have the pleasure of playing it in glorious HD.

FFXIII's mind bogglingly shitty and nonsensical plot was probably what dragged it down the most. But don't forget that the game was also barely an RPG. It had one of the shallowest and least rewarding combat-growth systems I've ever had the misfortune to play in a major release.

Ten bucks say this site will be completely taken over by AXS ads.

Hey Possibilities, don't let one of the retarded Conservatives on this site see that or they'll start bombarding your thread with irrelevant accusations of your personal hypocrisy. You know, because facts that exist on a grand scale, such as the vast, crippling inequities in capitalism, can be easily disproved by

I once got into an argument on a forum with somebody claiming that Star Trek's depiction of Ferengi was inherantly Anti-Semitic. He pointed out how the Ferengi's traits: the darkened, more semitic skin, the exaggerated facial features (in Star Trek's case, the ears, in anti-Jewish propaganda, the nose) and conniving

Fuck The Haters
Bad Religion kicks ass.

"One of the big problems I've had with the Romulan and Klingon "Empires" is that they each seem to consist of only one planet. Doesn't sound like much of an Empire to me. "

Eastern Europe would be better for 'The Hobbit' anyway. Half the story takes place in shitty nightmarish forests or endless dank cave complexes. New Zealand is too nice and spacious. That entire book takes place on a cold, wet Autumn day, period.

Big Bang Theory may be dumb…but I'm just happy the guy who played David on Roseanne is working. That's pretty much the only joy I derive out of network Television these days, glancing at the commercials while watching the Redskins lose and commenting that actors I am familiar with have jobs.

I wish they had made the 'evolved robots' thing more obvious about the ending. Because it really comes close to redeeming the ending.

Isn't the primary complaint against Liberals that they tolorate all kinds of crazy expressive art that isn't 'American' or 'manly' according to Conservatives?

Have you considered that a large part of the action scene sloppiness could have been the fact that you were watching it in a sloppy stolen cam version? It must be hard to properly judge the coherence of choreography from a source like that.

Will people ever please stop complaining about how these these reviews are different than more sites. Seriously. If you want a 50 page by the numbers review of every button then there are a million other sites that will give you that. It's not like this is new, the AVClub has been reviewing games like this since

@Dave. I really doubt that Bill Hicks was the first one to make that observation.

Neo-Liberals in New Zealand want to mind for gold in National Parks? What the hell kinda backwards ass liberals are down there? Here we call people like that 'Republicans'.