jay cue

"I thought you were still out on the road."
"I was, but then I thought, what was Simon without Garfunkel?"
"Wildly successful?"

Nice! That's just plain coolness.

Don't tease.

I've been there. It sucks. But it does get lighter. All I know is, we better see you back here next episode. :-) Deal?

Commando was Arnold action and Alyssa Milano good. Die Hard is stand the test of time dad from Family Matters awesome.

Hang in there. Glad you still stopped by the comments.

Truer words have never been spoken.

My thoughts, too. And I do normally love the show and want it to succeed. But yeah, agreed.

B+ (and I was so looking forward
to this episode and hoping it would be better). The + just because Andre
Braugher is a role playing boss! Other than that…the lame
Thanksgiving was tepid. Santiago needing Holt's approval (still &
again) was tired and weirdly out of place. Not sure how I feel about
two weeks in a

I think you're right. The article got that part wrong. He was noticeably absent from the recent 20th Anniversary episode.

Totally miss Molto Mario. And I think I miss Mario in general, from the channel I mean. Not sure. Once all of these guys got famous, their shows seemed to get lamer and lamer. When Batali left and did that PBS Spain show with Gwyneth Paltrow?! The horror.

Agreed. Plus, he just couldn't multi-task live.

Oh, Sharon! An old-fashioned!

Same here.

Don't get me wrong, I think Peele is amazing, but Brandon always seems
to throw the love his way (an Emmy? Really? That would be awesome, but
I think you're giving way too much credit to the Emmy folks. They
kinda generally suck. They all but ignored every damn season of "The Wire"). But
the more I watch K&P, the

Couldn't have said it better.  True.  That.

Oh believe me, I "get it".  And it's still the worst piece of garbage Mann has ever put out.

With Mann unintentionally mocking himself and ripping himself off (the initial club scene swiped from Collateral, the "look hard and ponder the ocean" shot, see: Heat), his obsession with acronyms, his one-note direction to his actors ("Be too cool all the fucking time and never once connect with each other"), Colin

Sure, they're "people like us" except, you know, for that pesky little multi-million dollar income difference.

Point it out once and do it intelligently, and I'm with you.  Harp on it and spew insults any angst-ridden teenager could invent, and you end up sounding like a mildly-retarded Christopher Hitchens.  The Wise Men joke was stupid.  But judging by your hysterical grammar rants, it seems like you know from funny, so,