jay cue

Point it out once and do it intelligently, and I'm with you.  Harp on it and spew insults any angst-ridden teenager could invent, and you end up sounding like a mildly-retarded Christopher Hitchens.  The Wise Men joke was stupid.  But judging by your hysterical grammar rants, it seems like you know from funny, so,

A spot on review.  Tired and predictable jokes and…man, I dunno, just so disappointing all the way around.  We get it— Seth hates religion.  Seth mocks religion.  Seth's childhood was filled with mean angry nuns.  If only he could work out his loathing with a tad more finesse and intelligence.  Anyway…why was this

A spot on review.  Tired and predictable jokes and…man, I dunno, just so disappointing all the way around.  We get it— Seth hates religion.  Seth mocks religion.  Seth's childhood was filled with mean angry nuns.  If only he could work out his loathing with a tad more finesse and intelligence.  Anyway…why was this

Yeah, you know, I had a similar thought: that it might have been Clay.  The scene in the cop shop where Clay is cuffed and sitting in the holding room…there was a moment when I was sure Roosevelt was feeling compelled to go talk to Clay.  The scene cut away first, but that's the overwhelming impression I got.  It

Yeah, you know, I had a similar thought: that it might have been Clay.  The scene in the cop shop where Clay is cuffed and sitting in the holding room…there was a moment when I was sure Roosevelt was feeling compelled to go talk to Clay.  The scene cut away first, but that's the overwhelming impression I got.  It

Except that Pulp Fiction did it first.  See last scene in diner between Tim Roth and Samuel Jackson.  But yea, it looks like it'll be a great season.

Except that Pulp Fiction did it first.  See last scene in diner between Tim Roth and Samuel Jackson.  But yea, it looks like it'll be a great season.

Subtle, wasn't it?

Subtle, wasn't it?

Jax is such a handsome mass murderer.

Jax is such a handsome mass murderer.

Haa!  Nicely done.  Hey, if SOA casts David Cross for Season 6, you know I'd be down. I could see him as another of the really awkward SAMCRO prospects.

Haa!  Nicely done.  Hey, if SOA casts David Cross for Season 6, you know I'd be down. I could see him as another of the really awkward SAMCRO prospects.

When I was watching the opening, my insides kinda felt like how that clip looks. 

When I was watching the opening, my insides kinda felt like how that clip looks. 

The opening song.  What was that and why was it so horrible?  Also, by the end of the episode, I was missing Opie like mad.  It's just not much fun watching Jax go on a solo rampage.  Plus, let's be honest, Ryan Hurst was the best actor they had. Watching Hunnam try to get out those lines to Marks about how Clay

The opening song.  What was that and why was it so horrible?  Also, by the end of the episode, I was missing Opie like mad.  It's just not much fun watching Jax go on a solo rampage.  Plus, let's be honest, Ryan Hurst was the best actor they had. Watching Hunnam try to get out those lines to Marks about how Clay