Magical Half Jew

Yes, and even today, that's an uncomfortable ride to be on.

To be fair, Chuck Berry should pay royalties to Marty McFly.

It always disturbed me when he called her a bitch in that scene. Insult to injury, and all.

My three favorites:

I had this when I was a kid and listened to it non-stop. Loved it. Then I took it with me on a family trip to Florida, left it at my cousin's house, and never got it back. I'm tempted to buy it again for nostalgia's sake, but is it worth it? Not a rhetorical question, I really want to know if it's worth it.

I've held on to my Pizza Hut sunglasses for 25 years just so I could look cool in 2015.

And he's standing over there!


Script by Joe Eszterhas?


One of Wal=Mart's other defenses was that it was trying to ready Tracy's license plate: ICU81MI

Mighty Taco. They use Kraft singles in their tacos, but it works.

Not gonna lie, it got super dusty in here when I saw Anya. Same thing happened when someone mentioned both Fred and Wesley above.

The rat symbolizes obviousness!

I would love it if Audrey was married to Jack, and he was actually played by Billy Zabka.

They tried to get Johnny Galecki, but he was too busy sleeping on his giant pile of Big Bang Theory money.

"It's Not Unusual" was featured at my wedding as well, but I was the one singing it. And I was doing "the Carlton."

Maybe it's because I just finished listening to the "Stayin' Alive" episode of "How Did This Get Made," but I've gotta go with "Far from Over" by Frank Stallone.

Love Is An Open Whore