Magical Half Jew

I'd like to see the gritty reboot of Parker Lewis Can't Lose.

Steve Rogers?

"They"? The government?

Growing up, I never understood why the Arby's logo was a penis. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized it was a cowboy hat.

Nick Papagiorgio. Horrible movie. Awesome name.

I would watch the shit out of that. My 9 year old would too…he's obsessed with the Presidents right now.

Holy shit, I heard it as "Winnie the Bitch." Both kinda make sense in context, I guess.

Dave was definitely my least favorite character on the show, but this is the quote from HE that I use in my daily life more than any other.

I am also on the fence about this season. I think it's a compelling story, but I don't think there's as much nuance as there was last year. I think it's pretty clear that Berghahl did a very stupid thing, he got severely punished for it, end of story. There is no mystery (at least to me) as to what actually happened,

You know who didn't show up to Sue's party? Janice from accounting…cuz she don't give a fuck!

I agree with you on Grand Budapest. I found it very "meh," but, weirdly, it inspired me to check out Moonrise, which I absolutely loved, which then inspired me to check out Darjeeling (I'm a bit behind on Wes Anderson movies), which I also loved. So from that perspective, Grand Budapest was a success (on a very

My kids will probably Dig Dug this movie.

Give the guy a break. This is a Bran new adventure for him. Don't Robb him of this opportunity.

Well, I'm really more of a Denny Dillon/Wendie Mallick/Dorien Wilson fan.

As long as they still offer HBO Go, and my parents don't change their password, this doesn't affect me.

"When you subscribe to HBO NOW you will have access to all our acclaimed original programming — past, present and future…"

I found out as an adult that my grandfather was Protestant, despite thinking my dad's whole side of the family was Catholic. Fortunately, it wasn't much of a shock since my dad married my Jewish mom.

THANK YOU! I was racking my brain to figure out who that was, there was no mention of him in the review, and he's not listed on the IMDB episode page.

I can't believe there was no mention of Lord Grantham and his upset "tummy." I've never heard a grown man use that word when he wasn't speaking to a 3-year old.

By law, if we ask, they have to tell us it's TVDW.