Magical Half Jew

Why would someone want to climb into high rises and shit? Couldn't he shit in smaller buildings?

He showed up in A Very Brady Sequel, and he was played by Tim Matheson. Although he may have been an imposter. So he probably ended up in prison.

Good point. So far, none of my kids (7, 5, 2) have purposely used a swear word in front of me (my youngest says "Penis and Ferb" and my oldest sings "The Ballad of John and Yoko," with all the "Christs" in it, but that's it). But it's only a matter of time. As @avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus said, I

Also known as Growing Pains-atosis, and Family Matters-itis (the latter involves not only rapid growth, but the development of an unsettling jheri curl)

I admit that sometimes, during these types of exchanges with my 2 1/2 year old, I'll mutter under my breath, "fucking dick." I believe it is only a matter of time before I start saying it at full volume.

He still asked for juice after you were shrieking and sobbing?

These pun threads are Hit-ler miss.

I said come on fhwdgads, I said come on fhwdgads,
I asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jeff,
They said it was fhwdgads…

It's not even exclusively movie titles…it includes "Diagon Alley" and "Jack Rabbit Slims," neither of which are actual movie titles, but locations within movies. So they could have included just about any reference to any location in any movie ever.

Great story, thanks for sharing. I feel like I'm going to relay this story at some point, and I'm going to have to explain how I heard it: "So I know this guy…well, I don't know him, he just posted on a website…no, not THAT kind of website…anyway, I don't know him but he's a commenter on the AV Club…it's a pop culture

Not surprised in the least about the reaction to the Sandusky thing. I am a Penn State alum, and went to an alumni meeting a few weeks after the scandal broke. It was very somber, but one of the attendees said to have hope, because this will all go away "when the truth comes out." What fucking truth were you waiting

I would love to see a prequel to 'Zombieland' that's just Bill Murray, post-zombie takeover, but pre-arrival of Columbus, et al. shuffling around LA, playing 9 at the Riviera, running into Zombie Eddie Van Halen…

Oh, you and your rational and well-thought out response to my incoherent ranting and raving!

I haven't seen that one, but it sounds stupid and/or ridiculous. Like everything else associated with a wedding.

Not true. He couldn't have Ashley Donald. And now he never will.

You might get Joel Murray, but all he'll do is piss on your floor.

BUT, if you can get Bill Murray to appear in your photo, then by all means…

Gotta say this…the whole idea of engagement photos bothers me, but even more so when you hire a photographer to do it. It's not like your wedding day, where you're taking pictures from the actual day of your wedding. This is some random day between the proposal and the wedding, you're not wearing any special clothes

If I were Bill Murray, I would have asked for prima nocte before taking the pic.

That's where the "magical" part of my name comes in.