Magical Half Jew

"No, it's ok, he's got tits!"

Actual, I think it means that my penis takes one day off every year to atone for its sins.

Indeed. That scene and the scene in Teen Wolf when Pamela drops her robe were seminal for me. Even though there were no boobs in the TW scene, I used to put my head against the TV and try to look down.

Oh yeah, I loooooooved the German chick. That was back when PG-13 movies would regularly show boobs.

I'm ALL JEW in that department!

Sorry to be "that guy," but it's "That'll do, Audrey." I know because I say it all the time.

Wrong. Sean's wife and I love that movie.

It's the eye-opener everyone needs, but not the eye-opener that they deserve…

You need that kind of money to get acquitted of murdering your son's girlfriend.

Just curious - what was your co-worker's argument in favor of segregation? I'm trying to think of an argument s/he could have made that was not insanely racist, but I'm coming up short.

I usually don't like to theorize about what's going to happen on this show (because it's just a futile effort and I'm almost always wrong), but I think something's going to happen on a plane. The shot of Bonnie (without Pete) and Megan on the plane at the end (with the flight attendant closing the first class

The only thing I've ever shoplifted was a button that said "Pardon me, you're standing on my penis."

Probably not a popular sentiment these days, but I'd love to throw some back at McLaren's with the HIMYM crew.

Agreed, although if it came out right now and it was about the Bills, it would have had some dark undertones (what with Ralph Wilson's passing and all).

I don't begrudge anyone for not liking it, and I sort of get why people may not have liked it, but I did. It's just all I've seen so far (save for Donna Bowman's review) has been disgust with how things ended. TVDW in this article just takes it for granted that the finale was terrible, and I didn't see it that way at

Am I an idiot for having really enjoyed the finale?

I also feel jealous. I totally would have donated, but I had never seen a single episode of the show until about three months ago. Mrs. Half Jew and I binged on the show in January/February, and then had the audacity to complain that we would have to wait three whole weeks for the movie to come out.

No Miss Piggy? Seems like a missed opportunity to have her do one of those "shot from above to make me look thinner" shots. That would be right up her alley.

I can totally relate to this, because I, too, had a Popple.

Uh oh…