Magical Half Jew

Some of us are Davids,
but most of are Daves.
We all have our own hands,
But we come from different Moms.

This is a great idea, but I agree with @avclub-e38d7d01bb3addc2e58724fe04de73e8:disqus, it'll never happen.

Sooooo…how much did E! pay for the wedding rights?

How can you review a movie feature a) Stallone and 2) a prison break and not mention Tango and Cash?

Actually, that makes sense. Walt was put in touch with Gus Fring and Mike via Saul.

@facebook-100000359297466:disqus  I liked the concept of Angel season 5, and that final stretch was really good, but it was just so heartbreaking (especially the Fred/Allyria stuff) that I can't even think about it.

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus I've been using b-hole a lot lately, and I'm liking it. I prefer to think of it as butthole though, because my inspiration for using it was a Comedy Bang Bang episode a few months back where Kristen Schaal said the Comedy Central execs told her "fuck you right in your

First thing I thought of when I saw his name.

I know this will sound crazy, but Good Luck Charlie on the Disney Channel is family friendly, fairly well-crafted, fairly well-acted, and occasionally genuinely funny. It's not breaking any ground, but it's really the only thing on TV that I can watch with my kids and still get some enjoyment out of.

Maaaaaaan! You are one pathetic loser!*

I actually really enjoyed the first one. The second one was indeed a clusterfuck, so I had no interest after that.

S'gotta be Miley, then. I heard Bruno is not a fan of Die Hard (and even less of a fan of fans of Die Hard).

It IS Alec Baldwin…

False. Buffalo to Rochester (where I'm sitting right now) is Western New York. Syracuse to Utica is Central New York. Fuck that NYC-centric bullshit.

Replace "cute" with "better off dead."

Send him to Belize (I may be mixing Saul metaphors).

Randy Watson!

She's going to be performing with her band, Kathleen Turner Overdrive.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it was just another day in paradise.

I hope it includes a scene where someone goes overboard and/or makes an executive decision.