Magical Half Jew

Actually, despite his ignorant and disgusting comments, Todd Akin may still be able to say whatever he wants, without political repercussions. Claire McCaskill isn't exactly killing it in the Senate race in Missouri (like one would expect when you're running against someone who is a complete imbecile):

Actually, despite his ignorant and disgusting comments, Todd Akin may still be able to say whatever he wants, without political repercussions. Claire McCaskill isn't exactly killing it in the Senate race in Missouri (like one would expect when you're running against someone who is a complete imbecile):

What about Obama?

What about Obama?

It never worked for me.

Oh, forget about the final scene. I cry like a bitch every time. The latest one that gets me choked up is "The Lorax." I don't know what it is, but when the townspeople sing "It is just one little seed, but that is all we really need, we say let it grow!" it kills me.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin' glue.

I have small kids, so I've seen that movie more times than I can count. That scene gets me choked up EVERY TIME. I'm an ADULT, fer chrissakes.

I might be…<winks>

Unfortunately, the NBC store is unlikely to make this happen. You'll have to rely on Internet Nerds to get the job done. Not sure where you could find Internet Nerds, though…

I just had the same thought, @avclub-ac34e9ae168c9afcfbf6d415d4fb8bf8:disqus . I just set my office chair on fire.

I would definitely name a University, and I would insist that one dormitory be named "Anthony Michael Hall."

Note to self: when you want to get @avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus worked up, make a joke about Lost being purgatory.

Note to self: when you want to get @avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus worked up, make a joke about Lost being purgatory.

For the record, I was making a joke. I know the whole show was not purgatory, nor do I really think the last season was purgatory. Again, making a joke.

For the record, I was making a joke. I know the whole show was not purgatory, nor do I really think the last season was purgatory. Again, making a joke.

Welcome back to society! You should check out a show called "Lost." After the first season, you'll have a theory that they're all in Purgatory. After the sixth season, you'll be disappointed to find out that you were right.

Welcome back to society! You should check out a show called "Lost." After the first season, you'll have a theory that they're all in Purgatory. After the sixth season, you'll be disappointed to find out that you were right.

