Magical Half Jew

So I only watched this occasionally when it was on, and I vaguely remember liking it. But I get that it now has "cult" status.

So I only watched this occasionally when it was on, and I vaguely remember liking it. But I get that it now has "cult" status.

What does Automatic for the People mean in the context of that sign? I don't get it.

What does Automatic for the People mean in the context of that sign? I don't get it.

Next you'll be saying they should have their own schools!

Next you'll be saying they should have their own schools!

I like "The Ex-Spend-ables!" Because, you know, women be shoppin' and all that.

Also, I'm sure this has been discussed here ad nauseum, but I don't feel like sorting through the comments…how the FUCK did Jon Cryer win an Emmy? He is the worst part of the worst show on television, a show that has a lot of pretty terrible elements. At least Jim Parsons is a talented guy, even if he's on a show that

Watching the Emmy's last night, I had a moment where I went, "Holy shit! That's Jonathan from Buffy!" (just started watching Buffy a few months ago). Then I went, "Fuck, he was also the short copywriter guy from Mad Men!" Then I went "And he won an Emmy for writing?!"

I watched "Coming to America" last night (recently added to Netflix Instant). I've probably seen that movie over 50 times (it was a staple of late 80's/early 90's HBO). I held up like a motherfucker. Just a great watch.

I watched "Coming to America" last night (recently added to Netflix Instant). I've probably seen that movie over 50 times (it was a staple of late 80's/early 90's HBO). I held up like a motherfucker. Just a great watch.

Interesting fact: my friend's cousin is the "Yoko Ono" of BNL…she is the one who Steven Page was with when he was arrested in Syracuse for drug possession, and she's married to him now (they live in Fayetteville now).

Interesting fact: my friend's cousin is the "Yoko Ono" of BNL…she is the one who Steven Page was with when he was arrested in Syracuse for drug possession, and she's married to him now (they live in Fayetteville now).

I'm an early period fan (saw them no less than 15 times from 1996 to 2003), so I'm not very familiar with the last three songs. Here are a few I would have included:

I'm an early period fan (saw them no less than 15 times from 1996 to 2003), so I'm not very familiar with the last three songs. Here are a few I would have included:

I'm looking forward to the iPhone with a nine inch screen.

I'm looking forward to the iPhone with a nine inch screen.

I once had a friend who, when talking about his girlfriend, said one of the things he loved about her was how well she could take a punch. He was kidding of course, but he never understood why people didn't think that was funny.

I once had a friend who, when talking about his girlfriend, said one of the things he loved about her was how well she could take a punch. He was kidding of course, but he never understood why people didn't think that was funny.

Was anyone else worried, and a little disgusted, that Josh's flop sweat would land in his food?