Magical Half Jew


I had leftover meatloaf, and I watched "Jaynetown" on Netflix in preparation for the TV Club write-up. Also a good lunch.

I had leftover meatloaf, and I watched "Jaynetown" on Netflix in preparation for the TV Club write-up. Also a good lunch.

Sandy Duncan or GTFO.

Sandy Duncan or GTFO.

As a half jew (and a magical one at that), I should have gotten both references. Sadly, didn't until now.

As a half jew (and a magical one at that), I should have gotten both references. Sadly, didn't until now.

I never understood why Lindsay was talking about how Simpsons writers are probably not all geeks. I missed Michael's earlier line about the "father" of Maggie's "baby" being from Harvard (and the son of a Simpsons writer).

I never understood why Lindsay was talking about how Simpsons writers are probably not all geeks. I missed Michael's earlier line about the "father" of Maggie's "baby" being from Harvard (and the son of a Simpsons writer).

My last name's Archer. I forgot you didn't know that.

I am also pissed that I did not get nominated!

How I Fucked Your Mother, starring Ted Beneke

How I Fucked Your Mother, starring Ted Beneke

Only if Clive Anderson hosts.

Only if Clive Anderson hosts.

*lily of the valley'd*

*lily of the valley'd*

I was convinced "Channing Tatum" was a stage name, because, y'know, it's a really stupid name. Sounds like a guy named Joe Smith who took his grandmothers' maiden names and made up a new one, in an effort to stand out.

I was convinced "Channing Tatum" was a stage name, because, y'know, it's a really stupid name. Sounds like a guy named Joe Smith who took his grandmothers' maiden names and made up a new one, in an effort to stand out.

Magic Mike II: Sword Fights