Magical Half Jew

Magic Mike II: Sword Fights

I want to see the show at Handy Park. That's my favorite kind of park.

I want to see the show at Handy Park. That's my favorite kind of park.

He doesn't need to dance to get Dane Cook's pants off.

He doesn't need to dance to get Dane Cook's pants off.

Why is this under the "Comedy" tab?

Why is this under the "Comedy" tab?

Oh man, I tried to edit that within seconds, and it didn't take. I AM pure shit.

Oh man, I tried to edit that within seconds, and it didn't take. I AM pure shit.

the only thing I remember about Congo was how fucking terrible Laura Linney was in it. I mean pure shit. When I saw her pop up in other stuff a few years later, I was surprised that she was able to string two words together in a believable way.

the only thing I remember about Congo was how fucking terrible Laura Linney was in it. I mean pure shit. When I saw her pop up in other stuff a few years later, I was surprised that she was able to string two words together in a believable way.

I just started watching the series for the first time last week (when I learned it would be covered here), and I can't stand the theme song. I was worried that the Whedonites would kill me if I said that here, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

I just started watching the series for the first time last week (when I learned it would be covered here), and I can't stand the theme song. I was worried that the Whedonites would kill me if I said that here, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

And Lindsay might steal stuff, too.

and we…

I'm partial to "Lip balm?"

I don't know.

"Waddaya know? They're little Oscars!"

Your comment currently has 69 likes. I hope it stays that way.

You're just pissed because the sound clues were of no help to you.