Magical Half Jew

He spent most of that time trying to get his kid to stop pointing at his dick (he didn't do a good job).

He prefers to be remembered as Reverend Jonathan Whirley, his role in Dragnet.

Present Day Julie Bowen is but a shadow of her former Carol Vessey days. She is downright skeletal, and not attractive to me anymore.

I agree: we'll all be cheese-eating surrender monkeys by the time awards season is over.

I've actually been thinking about this very issue lately, because I'm in the middle of catching up with Breaking Bad on Netflix (just started Season 3). I agree with the central premise of this essay. However, I believe there are shows that actually benefit from the fast-paced viewing experience. Last summer, I caught

There's nothing wrong with Hondas, it's just that those fucking commercials make no sense. I want to punch the dude who talks about building battlebots right in the fucking mouth.


Also a major demographic for TGS: Jet Blue Passengers Who Fall Asleep With the TV On.

Wait, hang on you guys…

Did you purposely show a picture of a black dude smoking something just above the title of the episode "Crack in the Alliance" on purpose, or it is some kind of subconscious racism?

I'm in a purple tube of consciousness!

When will then be now?

It's "Thanks for calling, I'm not reversing the charges." Shithead.

Horrible Bosses 2: The Search for More Money

Her charity is the Hermano Foundation.

He got many of his referrals from Robert Palmer.

Man, that list has everything I'm looking for: fatties, oldies, married-to-Kevin-Bacon-ies…

It's not like she's spending any time coming up with serviceable plotlines on The Office, so she might as well pour her time into this.

Someone explain to me why Nick didn't just call Winston to let him off the balcony. I mean, he got a call from his mother while he was out there (so did Winston(!)). There are leaps in logic that I'm willing to take for the sake of a sitcommy plot like this, but that was just plain lazy.

Plus, he banged the singing telegram girl.