Magical Half Jew

magicalhalfjew - just started the account, but surprisingly, given all the magical half jews out there, the name was still available.

Something, something, Prison Wine's Apartment.

It's funny to me that they make fun of Krusty the Klown brand products so frequently, and yet the Simpsons merch was (is?) so fucking shitty.

I have the bottle opener as well. The battery has since died. I loved that fucking thing.

I started watching when it first aired. Still remember my first episode: Call of the Simpsons. When that rabbit flew through the air, I laughed my ten year old ass off. Immediately decided that I couldn't watch "The Cosby Show" anymore on Thursdays at 8.

Yeah, I thought it was a pretty good episode until the kiss at the end. Just not feeling the Jeff-Annie thing, and I was disappointed to see a show that normally subverts sitcom tropes so readily, fall ass backwards into the tropiest of tropes.

Farts My Dad Sniffs

Thanks, cameleopard, for reminding me to check Abe's website.

I'd just like to point out that in the above two threads, a commenter made a statement, someone else pointed out the flaws in that statement, and then the original commenter acknowledged the second commenter's point and agreed that it was a good one.

This fucking show
Look, I get it. Musicals are supposed to be contrived. The whole "I feel a song coming on!" motif usually works in the genre, and it usually works on this show.

Say what?

Has anyone noticed that the writers of this show FUCKING HATE WOMEN? Every woman on the show is either a god awful person, or seriously flawed in not insignificant ways. The sassy black chick is probably the only one who doesn't fit this bill, but I don't think she's necessarily a fully drawn character yet.

I had no idea what these were either. I wiki'd it, and I'm still not sure. Guess they never made it to WNY.

What happened to Buzz Saw?

I want to try!

I sure hope the promos for this show are similar to the 6th Season lost promos…

How does Merk's mother know Prison Wine?

@Bunk - No, I didn't really say that to her, but my point (probably poorly articulated) was that just because someone who was raped might have been offended by it, didn't make the joke offensive per se. Since my wife had not been raped, she didn't need to step in the shoes of someone who could, potentially be

Used in a certain way…
…this product could also be known as the Grop-E-Gram, the Finger-Bang-E-Gram or the Reach Around-E-Gram.

That "I'd Rape That 100" line had my wife pissed off something fierce, so yeah, it was a pretty great line.