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I also form opinions of an entire group of people based on the actions of a few. Hitler was on to something there!

its appropriate that you capitalized The Suffering, Astro scientician. It ain't easy being a philly fan.

I respond to ALL dogs in this manner, The Dog. What makes you think you're any different you cute lil' huggabug?

typo aside, Starz - Zing!

yeah, stories of Philly fans hooligan behavior are greatly exaggerated. We're not any better or any worse than fans in cities like NY, Boston or Chicago.

Sean O'Neal you sassy minx!

I've got nothing to add. Just please keep the Sean Young + BEEF conversation going.

You cute puppy dog, you! You are so cute with your opinions! Who has opinions about b-list comediennes? Do you have opinions about b-list comediennes? do you have opinions about b-list comediennes? yes you do! yes you do have opinions about b-list comediennes!

I ain't too proud to admit I enjoy a poop joke. And god damnitt, J Serious, that was a fine fecal anecdote.

I've never lived in Brooklyn. I see how you might get that from my statement tho.

I was sad to see Jenny Slate get the ax last season. but shes on to bigger and better things, at least better than the modern incarnation of SNL that is.

….bunch of assholes.

Shut the fuck up, Donny.

Cheri Oteri is gonna be in some presumably crappy new show on TBS.

pubes always fail.

No, but plenty of parking spaces available for Camaros.

growing up in Philly im gonna be biased but come on, there's tons of cool shit going on here. We are relevant again!

you panicked, or you PANCAKED!?

For the record, Philly is a really great town. After you all get priced out of Brooklyn and you're forced to move here, you'll find out.

My money is on Sly, what with the roid rage. Then again Kanye is black….