Im Registered

Von Salsa, you from Philly, too? If so, respect.

you know Frink, I think we make a real sharp couple of coconuts. I'm dumb, you're shy…

drew First Blood

Great Moments in Presidential Speeches
I really miss when Letterman would do this segment with clips of Bush and his verbal diarrhea. Damn was it funny.

Marley and Me

Be careful with that door knob, it's a smoked Gouda!

They DON'T need to add ninja to it? Are you sure?

Yes. This guy officially represent the point at which the line between goofy Internet meme/actual non-joke event becomes impossibly blurred….

Jon Stewart's goal was to dress like a douche, he accomplished it by wearing that blazer over a t-shirt.

aww man. Well at least you tried, Billy.

I think you're just the cutest little avatar ever! You cute puppy dog! Aren't you, boy! Aren't you? Aren't you? Aren't you? Yes you are! yes you are!

I'm cool with the homos or whatever, AS LONG AS THEY DON"T TRY AND TOUCH ME!

aw man, SATFS. My real name is Pat, and at first I thought you were talking to me until I realized you were quoting the show.

Happy Days! Maybe they should have actually called it Happy Homosexuals!

I can't imagine things going great for Kenny when he gets back home. I mean, come on. I'm not sure if April will be the one with issues though, but then again this show may throw us a curveball( PUN!!).

nothing says unemployable like a neck tattoo.

You lovable scamp!

And search for errant pornography out in the woods, as young men tend to do oh so often.

Nothing relevant
As far as titles for fake pornos go, I've always found An Orifice and a Genitleman quite amusing.

@ The Dog