Im Registered


And the obligatory posting of Glenn Danzig getting knocked the fuck out.

I'm not going to get humped by a giant red gorilla in space.

Two in a row, Flaubert. Good for you, man. Keep up the good work. All these people who wish you harm are simply jealous. And understandably so! Pay them no mind, sir! For you have achieved something that few have before. You were the first person to post a comment! No small feat. So enjoy it, bask in the glorious

Also: You know that's how the plague started back in the day. From a little disgusting birdbath in Flaubert Cooper's back yard that rats made sex to birds in it and created a whole new type of cancerAIDS.

But what about the man with the golden dick?

Honey, I love you. You're a great girl, but you've got a firstie like a fucking dickhead.

I'm not denying that I am a moron. I'm just saying there's a big difference between me checking out posts the next morning while I'm at work and posting something much later that night after going out. 10 am while at work? Normal. 1:30 am after a few wine coolers? getting sad.

Natronicus, you spent the whole day being angry about some stranger saying he didn't like Avatar on the Internet, so much so that you felt the need to post something about it at 1:30 in the morning? In that 12 hour span this stupid argument is the most interesting thing to happen to you all day?

Yeah, Tyler Perry's House of Payne could really use something like that.

it's perfectly understandishable.

One's looking north, one's looking south, so what?

I laid out my reasons for the original post already. But since you don't read, Natronicus, I'll do it again. "I was just trying to start a discussion/stir up the avatar hate/kill a little time at work. "

For the most part I tend not to enjoy sci fi and fantasy movies, so that's the first reason not to see it.

Ah heck, I know there's much better ways to get opinions on a movie than asking you mooks, but I suppose I was just trying to start a discussion/stir up the avatar hate/kill a little time at work.

Holy shit, Natronicus. Not watching a popular movie simply because it's not really your thing is what make a person pretentious nowadays?

You really think the internet will still be around ten years from now?

Should I
actually go see Avatar? I have very little desire to see it, but part of me wonders if maybe I should see what the big deal is.

A better headline would have been "Charlie Sheen loses wallet, pants."

The wood porn seems to be a nationwide phenomenon. I remember as a kid hearing rumors of porno stashed in a park near my house, like the Sasquatch of spank mags. Do we have viable theories why pornography seems to turn up in the various wooded area of America?