Im Registered

I'm sure the internet will start treating Conan just as harshly as they do Amy Schumer! Because it's not about her gender at all!

I'm pretty sure that scene is what the Archie Bell and the Drells song is about.

No, I will continue to be glib and snarky and hate things based on 30 second movie trailers. I'll also be repeating dumb memes as I do it.

Fantastic 4 2: 2 Fantastic 2 Fourious

The pants contain potassium benzoate….that's bad.

While I agree he's a tool, anyone who's spent time on YouTube knows it could be much, much worse.

I was shocked not a single reference to Home Badman appeared in this article. For shame, AV Club!

Will you two stop saying gummi so much?

It's not Batman!

Pee-Wee, listen to reason!

I'm rolling a big doughnut and there's a snake wearing a vest…

First of all, Mr. Herman, I know you are but what am I?

We want Chili Willy!

I was saying Boo-radley..

"Even doggy was paid. We paid a hundred bucks to doggy, for your information."

The Al ighty ollar?

Any time Bob screams cracks me up. And his "Ok, cut the shit!" transition into the fat kids sketch still gets me.

Any time Bob screams cracks me up. And his "Ok, cut the shit!" transition into the fat kids sketch still gets me.

Any time Bob screams cracks me up. And his "Ok, cut the shit!" transition into the fat kids sketch still gets me.

Good, I found the thread where everyone names their favorite Randy Newman song. Mine's definitely "Living Without You". But "I Think it's going to rain today" and "So Long, Dad" are both up there