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I would actually be much more shocked if he did manage to make it back to the majors, despite everything. I agree that the show tries to subvert viewers expectations, but I would still be very shocked if he made back.

Adam Scott In Next Episode Preview
So that dude from party down who played that guy from The Tampa baseball team on EB&D was in a quick scene from the next episode telling Kenny "I've been watching what you're doing down here."

Where's that one character that I really like??????

I said twice so far today, but it should be repeated.

What does everyone call your mother?

Or another disease, combined with a different disease!

I like that dog picture, wo. I like it alot.

Remember that video of that douche in Colorado who ripped off Patton Oswalt's KFC bit?

Did somebody say sassy?


I hate the god damn Irish!!!!

Breadth and depth of Porn
You write good, Sean. Damn good.

The good old days. heading to my local newsstand, purchasing the latest issue of Gigantic Asses Quarterly, then off to a Klan rally.

yeah. That totally made me want to pull my muscle, please.

What Norm MacDonald line?

Cause of Death?

Actually once in college I tripped on mushrooms and I spent a few hours staring at a figure my friend had of one of those tree monsters from LOTR. I imagine that's as good as actually seeing the movies.

The Wire? Nah, no thanks! What's that show about anyway? some kind of wire?

I've also never seen Mr. Show. And I've only ever watched Simpsons episodes from the last 5 seasons or so. And that will never change!

@ Perry I'm definitely some kind.