Im Registered

also, you might be in the clear Tombo. America hasn't outlawed scat singing….yet.

holy shit, I remember me and a friend in middle school laughing at Simpsons porn. No people are going to jail for it.

Cartoon porn depicting fictional animals such as Unicorns and Sasquatch is still legal, right? Right??

You want the King Missile thread. That's one up.



I think we all can agree that the Beatles were not inflatable gods.

I said it in another post, but it's worth repeating- After Hours is my favorite of his movies. I know I'm in the minority here, but god damn is that a good movie.

Who's That Knocking at My Door?
I enjoyed this film, even tho it had a lot of that pretentious art school bullshit that you'd expect from a student film. But some scenes( the opening comes to mind) are immediately identifiable as Scorsese-esque.

Why I oughta….

Remember when they were, like, walking around and that whip it good song was playing?

You are, you dummy.

FUck Yeah, man! HAve you seen After Hours??? It's fucking amazing!

Anybody see the new Woodsy Allen film?
I like his movies except that nervous fella who's alway in them.

Good point. Another good point: The lady in the picture is pretty hot. I'm surprised they didn't talk about her butt, and it's refusal to quit. Shameful, shameful journalism.

I didnt read the article!!!!!!!!

Do you remember Con Air? He was in Con Air.

I heard something once about poker being up front and liquor being in the rear, or something to that effect.

2:41, our fun was killed. Cause of Death- Blast From the Past's inability to detect facetiousness.

no no no, he passed out at a party and had to have Ewok semen pumped from his stomach.