Im Registered

Yo, and what's up with Tiny Apartment? Is it just like that Geico add from a few years back where it was a reality show about a couple living in a tiny house?

You just don't get it, Yeah Bro, It's about poop! And they rap about it.

That's the best comment in regards to this article any of us could have ever hoped for. Kudos, sir.

@reformed So the surf contest was way too over the top for ya?

Are you familiar with my friend Colonel Angus?

karaokemoting is fun to say.

I never really gave cursive or the good life a chance because Kasher seemed really whiny and annoying, but I went to see him play this past Sunday night and it was a really good show. He seems like a funny, down to earth guy.

subterfuge or subterFUDGE?

Put the mimosas down, bitch!

You wouldn't understand us, pops. You came of age in the mid 90s, where as we grew up in the late 90s. We're from different worlds!

I haven't seen that show, but I did see an ad for MF which featured the entire cast crying, under the headline: "We've missed you too."

I sure they will, Lobsters, I sure they will.

Good Riddance
This show seemed like the kind of Gen Y pandering shit that would undoubtedly reel in that highly coveted 18 - 34 year old demographic, but thankfully didn't. I'm sure every conversation on MG mentions napster, 9/11 and the song hey ya, followed by someone uttering the titular line "well, that's my

my balls have had an all nighter with two terrible toddlers. And they have paid dearly.

I really would prefer a motley crew of monsters to a ragtag group.

but for realz, the Munsters were far superior to the Addams Family.

Darn! Darn Darn!

Seeing as how it was an Islanders game, you're probably better off.

Still that movie really spoke to me, I too am sexually aroused by car crashes.

Listen, rummy, I'm gonna say it plain and simple. Where'd you pinch the hooch? Is some blind tiger jerking suds on the side?