Did I Do That

And the era of the "ungritty reboot" begins.

Does this mean he acknowledges that Season 3 was also pretty bad?

Well, thanks to Spotify I could actually listen to this rather than judge it just based on the radio singles. And, I gotta tell you, even as someone who is open-minded to current radio pop, particularly with female vocals … this is fucking awful.  The production is incredibly chintzy, and half the tracks sound like a

Oh man, does this mean that this site is going to turn into Grantland, with multiple pop culture writers embarrassing themselves by slavishly documenting the daily marketing activities of this girl and recording amateurish podcasts with listenerships in the dozens that examine her product with straight-faced

What an odd thing to have "disdain" for your own music listening habits when you were 12, particularly in the pre-internet era.  Top 40, Alt.rock radio, classic rock and MTV … those were your options. And at 12 you have no cash to make leap of faith purchases of stuff you read about in magazines but would never have

Come on, she's really claiming credit for that line? That's barely a variation on the old "losing hair in places you want it, getting hair in places you don't" observation about men aging.

So glad I didn't give up on this show after last season. Classic episode … getting Kenny back to his hometown was absolutely the right move.


Stewart won't have to slay anything.  The viewership figures have already established that nobody cares.

I always watch RT (the new moniker hides the funding source!) when I'm travelling, as it seems to be available in every hotel's channel lineup.  The content is like if the US government gave Alex Jones funding to produce an Infowars TV news network, so long as it was based in Moscow and focused on the devious stuff

At this point I'm just hoping that they let Chris Carmack say "Welcome to Nashvegas, bitch" before this gets cancelled.


This episode will surely contain the greatest drug-related extra-textual reference in a sitcom since Margaret Cho's mom stabbed a turkey with a meat thermometer on the Quentin Tarantino cameo episode of "All-American Girl."

I told you 'bout the Seether before.

Mugging: The Show.

I'd be content with a sixer of Schraderbrau.

Is the shark that the show jumped when [insert your personal preference as to any number of appropriate moments/episodes] available for bid?

It really started becoming the network it is today when "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" became the biggest original program they'd ever aired.  It's kind of funny to think that a show that is actually good-hearted and even sort of quaint begat the type of garbage they now serve up.

Is the crowd still ruining the show by constantly applauding for bits rather than laughing at them?

They need to take this idea and adapt it to the trend of a workplace reality show centering on an arcane, useless profession populated by social misfits. "American Recappers", anyone?