
Well, I'm glad Sonia and Todd enjoyed it. I saw on Facebook that one of my friends liked it, so that means this episode brought joy to at least three people, and that's a good thing. I wasn't into it, but hey.

D+. The plus is for Kathy Bates' headless body swatting flies while her disembodied head hams it up. Gold.

Ha, I did the same thing. Asylum had all the things I liked about this season (the goofy mishmash of different horror tropes) but there were actual characters and a story underneath it. Compared to that, Coven just feels empty, like they're throwing shit at the wall just to see what sticks.

As shitty as this season was, I enjoyed it more than I've enjoyed Dexter in years, because of the fun we had right here in the comments section. None of my friends watch Dexter anymore, so y'all were all I had to help me deal with the madness of this show. Thanks, guys, it's been real.

We'll do it like real TV writers: plan out the season as a group, work up outlines for 12 episodes (blog posts), and assign one person (or two, whatever) to write each post.

I'm absolutely going to put together a blog where you, me, and the other funnier commenters around here can write Dexter Season 9.

Fuck it, I'm giving this an A. I cannot stop laughing. Every TV show ever should end like this. Hell, Jon Hamm is already well on his way to an endgame where Don Draper FAKES HIS OWN DEATH AND LIVES OUT THE REST OF HIS DAYS AS A FUCKING LUMBERJACK! (Evidence: https://pbs.twimg.com/media… )

@avclub-6ee934260c80f2e2f9098dcd3e44c032:disqus It's "the stars at night" that are big and bright. Don't mess with Texas, don't mess up our theme song.

Indisputable brilliance of Breaking Bad, exhibit A: this episode played out just about exactly how everybody expected it to play out, and yet it was still riveting and hard to watch.

You know what, though: nobody was more in need of a ghost dad who explains what's really happening than Walt was during that car ride to To'hajiilee.

"How would leaving Miami solve Dexter’s problems? He wouldn’t have the tools he needs to kill anymore."
Ah, but you forget: Dexter's urge to kill has subsided, and the need only arises when the plot (if this can be called a "plot") demands it. The show's over in two weeks, ergo no plot, ergo no need to kill. Much as it

Shit, even sunglasses and a baseball cap.

Of course he's watching Dexter. That's what they make you do in Hell.

I'd imagine it feels as good or as bad as the pay.

Miami Metro apparently has access to technology that, should its existence become public, could spark a high profile lawsuit and an unprecedented national dialogue about the Fourth Amendment. Employees of the NSA touch themselves when they watch this show. Yet, somehow, Miami Metro has yet to arrest Dexter or

@Harvey Dent: Potentially gay? I hope so. I'm straight as they come, but, for this comment, I'd fuck him, as long as I get to be pitcher.

I'm gonna chock that up to the source material. The killer's reasons were presumably personal in the original Danish version, so the American writers probably did the best they could with what they had.

On the one hand, the reveal was pretty lame. I still think it would have worked better if Childress was the killer, but whatever. I'm just some guy on the Internet.

Dexter: *Uses technology that can't possibly exist even in the wet dreams of the most zealous NSA agents to find out that Saxon is Vogel's son.*