
This weekend I've been playing Mass Effect for the first time. For years, that series has been my white whale of gaming, and I finally caught it.

Yeah, I was definitely invested in the story…it was just the things I had to slog through to *progress* the story that drove me crazy. Maybe I should just watch a Let's Play.

Sell me on DA2? I was thinking about finally trying to finish it this weekend, but boy do I have some bad memories of my first attempt about a year ago. Is it better than I'm remembering?

Ten gold dragons or whatever says the poisoner was Prince Oberlin somehow. I dare you to correct my spelling. I'm not even gonna scroll up to see if that's right.

You know, now I've had a whole day to ruminate on it, I get the brilliance of all the Yellow King/Carcosa weird fiction stuff. It wasn't all fakeouts and red herrings, hinting at a supernatural element the show was never going to deliver on, it was actually a smart device that did double duty.

How else could the season end than with a competition between characters we barely know for a job we don't care about?

I'm going to hope this goes the way of Dexter season 8. There's only one way to conclude a bad season of TV, and that's by giving it an ending so exquisitely, skullfuckingly stupid that it brings me the kind of joy I get from watching a football game end on an easily avoidable turnover surrendered by a team who's been

I'd watch the show Delphine was watching on TV in this episode, which apparently is just a montage of public apologies, including Eliot Spitzer, whose scandal happened several years before Deen's and Weiner's.

It's only bad memories for me. I actually recommended this show to somebody based on the early episodes of Coven, and now I gotta live with that.

Yes, it was absolutely necessary. I'm sure Ryan Murphy was "reclaiming fat-shaming" or something.

I just commented on this below, but yeah, that's why this show pisses me off. There's the potential for a really fun story here, but it very much looks like they just went into production with the shitty first draft of the script.

See, I think there is an interesting story here, though. It's incoherently told, which is why it needs a rewrite or three, but it's there. Most of the major events happen in the right places, but some of them needed more setup and others needed to come as more of a surprise. Some characters have arcs that would be

I can just repeat my comment from last week: this isn't a story, it's a first draft of a story.

Actually, I'd recommend the hell out of season two. It's amazing what a coherent story and decent characters can do for a show.

Hey, Benadryl is the darkest of magical substances. That shit knocks me out better than NyQuil.

Shut up. Seriously, shut the fuck up. Ryan Murphy's going to read this and put a sentient Magic 8-Ball in the next season.

This season doesn't have a story, it has a shitty first draft of a story.

No, nothing is like Dexter. Dexter is the The Wire of bad shows.


Now that Dexter's over, maybe Carrie can hire the 24/7 nanny from seasons 6-8.