
Damn it, now I'm going to hate season 4 of Game of Thrones if Tim Olyphant doesn't guest star as something. Seriously, even if they only give him a non-speaking cameo as a knight in the background of one scene, looking on in annoyance at the proceedings, seething with barely suppressed anger at the world in general

I don't think it's likely, but my hope is that Childress turns out to be more sane than he appears, that he actually is the killer, and that getting caught and playing crazy-gun-toting-racist is all part of his master plan. I mainly hope this because the sequence where Hank, Cooper, and Marco come after him while he

Pretty solid idea.

"This has the narrative coherence of fanfiction."

That reminds me: when Quinn called him "the kid," Harrison should have said "say my name."

"Oh, and I'm thinking Quinn might see the bear with the blood on it while Harrison is at his house."
You think a plot point from earlier in the season will matter in a future episode of Dexter? How quaint.

Oh, this season is insulting the shit out of your intelligence. At least season 6 had the decency to not be boring.

You had a bad feeling about THIS season?

This is happening: I'm going to start a blog on Wordpress or some shit where we can all collaboratively write the next season of Dexter.

Hey Matthews, are you descended from Senator Walter Edge? I've been watching Boardwalk Empire, and you look just like him.

Hey, people who watch True Blood: I've never seen a single episode of the show, and I know it's bad, but is it entertainingly bad? If I get the DVDs, will I laugh at its ridiculousness, or will I just be bored, frustrated, and annoyed like with Dexter these days?

Walt VO: Hank knows. (Walt blinks.) Better call Saul.

Mine too.

FYI, because apparently people actually read these, here's the latest on Harrison Morgan's adventures as drug lord: http://www.avclub.com/artic…

I'm calling it now: Vogel is a red herring, Quinn is the Brain Surgeon. No, that theory does not make sense. Yes, I believe this show would still actually do it.

I feel like you put more thought, effort, and talent into that poem than the Dexter writers have put into the last six seasons combined.

- Oh my god. Quinn is going to be the Brain Surgeon, isn't he?

Random thought: what are the odds that the killer is played by somebody famous in a single-episode cameo? Would that be fun, or a lame stunt?

Ha, I just replied to the comment above yours, only to scroll down to find that you'd already said basically the same thing I just said. If this show is gonna be terrible, it should at least have the decency to be amusingly terrible.