
I beg to differ. I love making fun of this show as much as anybody, but this season hasn't even been funny-bad, it's just bad-bad.

That, sir, is why I waited 24 hours between the two. I'm thinking of bailing on Dexter and basing Harrison's adventures on information in the recaps.

No shit! Even if the next five episodes are balls-out awesome (laugh with me at that fucking concept), it's too late. The season as a whole is beyond redemption.

Season 8 should've been literally anything else, instead of this soap opera shit we're getting. Seriously, even if the final five episodes are absolutely amazing, there's no excuse for padding out a season with seven hours of boring garbage.

Man, the sexual tension between Elway and Deb crackles like mayonnaise, doesn't it? Also, if that spinoff we're all talking about does turn out to be about Zach, I will use that Friend Zone app that let Dexter instantly track down the cannibal guy a few episodes ago to find out where Scott Buck lives, I will travel

Anybody else kinda done trying to analyze this show on a weekly basis? I feel like there's no point in passing judgement until we see the whole picture, which, now that I think about it, might be generally true for the first season of any show. Maybe all that needs to be said right now is that it's good. We can add to

I was kind of looking forward to seeing Jim, Hallie, and Mustache on a futile crusade to be the "rebel" reporters on the Romney campaign trail, and I had high hopes for the storyline where Maggie has a protracted, harrowing experience in Africa that shakes her to her core. But Jim and Maggie are TV's most electrifying

Well, it sort of compelled me to bang my head against the wall, if that counts.

Read it, don't watch. I think you're coming at this show from the same place I am, and believe me, this episode was a tough fucking slog to get through.

I could have done with a few more scenes of Dexter reading to him, too.

That would still be more believable than the Phantom Arsonist.

Oh god, the spinoff is going to be about Zach. By saying it, you have made it so.

Masuka's daughter! Quinn's career aspirations! The pressures of Batista's new position! Dexter's awkward dating life! Deb's boss and the crush he has on her!

It probably won't. It seems to be doing mostly Americans-level numbers, so I'd be surprised if it doesn't get a renewal.

I think I'm more excited by this show's potential than I am about the show itself. I mean, it's an enjoyable enough way to spend an hour on a Wednesday night, but I'm what I'm really jazzed about is what I think it's going to become. The serial killer plot is whatever, but it's presumably copied straight over from the

As for what we actually saw onscreen: so, uh, Brain Surgeon. That just kinda fizzled, didn't it? Just like the Ray Stevenson storyline last year. I'm not saying we have to strictly adhere to the formula of having one Big Bad for the season, but there should be SOME kind of season-long arc, right? I mean, it's your

There's also a UT El Paso (and a UT San Antonio, and a UT Dallas, and so on), so he might have assumed she meant that if she'd just said "UT." It's a way bigger deal to have gone to UT Austin than any of the other ones, so I can see why she'd want to clarify.