Noah Larms

You know what they say, Dinosaurs Will Die.

Sex Toy Story…

Monday Night Football!

Ahhhhh! Entertainers always die in threes! You're going to ruin two of my favorite shows.

We elected the wrong Cyrus!

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

So we sent Seth Rogen and James Franco all the way to Korea to assassinate a sandwich.

Not me, a torpedo!


Hey, there's no Pop Culture Critic Les Chappell!

Oh my God, space aliens! Please don't eat me, I have a wife and kids! Eat them!

…Also I thought that they had an actual animal farm.

Oh no! They killed a tertiary character who hadn't appeared since that episode from like 10 years ago where Mr. T officiated a Bar Mitzvah? Well that certainly lived up to the hype.

She's not that rich…

I hate every Fox network I see from FXX to FXZ

I literally chewed the scenery!

Shouldn't the quotations in the headline be around "food"?

Wouldn't Spider Women eat Spider Man after mating with him? I would imagine a lot of people would object to that as well…

The AV Club
The whole thing smacks off effort

Some men hunt for sport, others hunt for food,