His tutoring job, and joined a violence gang!
His tutoring job, and joined a violence gang!
"Earl Warren wasn't a stripper!"
Please do not imprison me for life in your cigar factory!
"You put the bar down under prize?"
I think I tried crack last night… probably not, but if I did, I liked it.
After those credits, I'm going to be severely disappointed if we don't get some Bob as Archer jokes in next week's episode!
It's also a call back to the mascot episode, where Fischoeder 1 doesn't wash his hands. Must be a family thing.
Let's play America's favorite game show: rank the animated Bond songs!
You can't hurt me, I'm the one with the glasses!
The Mississippi River is now the Mississippi Reagan.
"Go Team!"
Don't get me wrong I thought she had good lines, but even though it was done in a funny way, both the high school frenemy who barely remembers her and the parent playing favorites with the talented kid just seemed a bit too obvious to me.
I know that we've come to expect an open mindedness from this show, to the point that it would have been a surprise to see them go down this road, but I think this episode gets at least a solid B just for not making an endless parade of gay jokes (as family guy would do), or having Bob freak out about his "girly" son.
"Unless you're a Pens/Rangers fans I'm sure you'll be watching GoT and Mad Men but surely you have time to flip over during commercial break. Wait, GoT has no commercials. Well…fuck."
I believe that children are our future… unless we stop them now!
The new racism? Astrology is a lot of things, but new is not one of them.
Of course you'd say that, you have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter!
I'm excited about the idea of an Elliott Smith documentary, but the trailer makes it look *exactly* like that documentary they made about Kurt Cobain, complete with the slightly depressing ambient music that sounds nothing like the original artists' and the random aerial footage of the Pacific Northwest.
After he played his demo tape to millions of Americans during Lisa's Presidential address, Bart's music career really took off!
They already killed off Homer's