Johnny Daytona

Tallulah is an interesting song to bring up because it goes against everything I said, but is so good it doesn't matter. It is just such a breathtaking song - yet it is exactly the sort of thing I am worried about. Of course, the other songs aren't Tallulah.

I really liked their debut; it was a record that sounded like it was made by emotionally mature adults who still wanted to make fun music. I've heard a lot of the new album live, and the thing that struck me was the toning down of the fun. It always saddens me when bands realise people are actually listening and so

You know what would make this better? If it was a revival of Ken Finkleman's The Newsroom, Canada's finest post-Kids in the Hall comedy.

I think the reaction isn't about hearing what you want to hear, but is the realisation that our generation's bands are now on the oldies circuit. By "curating" special album shows, or by not playing state fairs and casinos, we can pretend that there is still some sort artistic merit to it that allows us to indulge the

Well, a bit. When the NHL staged a couple of games here I went to one of them. Both were sold out, and the cool thing was that everyone who came to the game was wearing the sweater of their local team. So there were North American jerseys, Swedish jerseys, Russian jerseys, Finnish jerseys, German jerseys, and on and

I saw all the posters, and reckoned because I hadn't seen anything for it on sites like here, it must be some terrible sub-Farrell sports "comedy". Sorry I missed it now.

And yet Teddy Roosevelt simply adored it.

This is awesome. FACT.

You are making up this show. I don't believe it really exists.

He is also named for his great-great-grandfather, the Model-T Ford.*

It's interesting you mention saving A+s for 'Paul's Boutique' - an album that was critically misunderstood and commercially ignored on first release by audiences looking for more of 'Licensed to Ill'. It really only got a look once 'Check Your Head' came out and it began to make more sense in hindsight.

Perhaps he will include how Kanye West feels about this social encounter as well.

I'm not buying it. How is he going to fit the boxing glove arrow in that quiver?


It's the only way his wife will let him smoke cigars.

Without Krees or Skrulls, is it really worth it?

You can't remember the best moments gets a B+? How low *is* the bar?

My faves include:
Adirondack Bus Shelter
Broken Fire Drill
A Run of Enormous Grace
McLaren Furnace Room

There was one scene in Attack of the Clones that was just McGregor and Christopher Lee, and for that one or two minutes, the two collectively decided to *act* and all of a sudden, very briefly, the movie was amazing. And then some digital crap happened and it went back to being virtually unwatchable.

Just the other day, my wife came and asked me where the Serenity DVD was. I pulled it out for her, but pointed out it was a Region 1 DVD (we're in the UK) and she would have to reset the TV to use the Region 1 player (and find its remote) rather than use the PS3 that we use for everything else. She just sort of stood