Johnny Daytona

I'm not a Criterion man, but on the whole, lack of worthwhile "stuff" is why my video collection is moving to all digital files, while my CD collection keeps growing. Most "extras" are not worth my time/money, and the packaging is a waste of space. If more video product featured the care and attention Criterion

I was hoping it was just Jewel with a goatee.

A very spot on review. I watched it on the Beeb when it went out, and was simultaneously entertained and frustrated. It was OK, but there was a sense of something greater that should have been going on, a bucketful of missed opportunities and narrative gaps. But it managed to entertain none the less. The most

I believe the gaywads and the dorkwads have signed some sort of wad accord to see this movie peacefully.

I never found the originals wholly satisfying; there was just too much difference between Bragg's and Tweedy's vocals to really work as an album (or two) for me. Now I've burned them into my collection as a Billy Bragg album and a Wilco album, and they get more listen.

Yes. Yes I would.

Oh Sabermetrics: is there anything you can't do?

One of these bands is not like the others, one of these bands just isn't the same. Can you guess which band was doing their own thing? Can you guess which band didn't own a bong?

I reckon Micronauts have become "forgotten" is because they didn't have a TV show. Without the TV show to reinforce the toy, and take its popularity outside of 5-10 year olds who played with toys (and the couple hundred thousand who read the comics), I think you need a TV show. I mean, every toy has a TV now, or it

I don't think there are enough questions about the Hold Steady in this interview. Some of them are actually about Finn's new album, but really they should focus on the Hold Steady.

I've seen both Fleet Foxes and J Tillman live, and he was far more entertaining and interesting than the band.

What about Jurassic Park? Its animated sequence does in three minutes what Crichton spends three hundred pages justifying.

You know what would make this video better? If I could see it in the UK without having to jump through proxy hoops. MTV: you are a global brand and have at least seven different channels in the UK - show me the damn video.

Fun fact: Edward de Vere also wrote all of Lennon and McCartney's Beatles songs!

Is the inclusion of cities into the Flop Files an attempt to get the AV Club to spring for a trip to Brasilia?

Also: doesn't understand "postmodern".

I have a car!

It's not hypocrisy though - he is talking about the intents of the content producers (the original film makers) versus the intents of later content owners (the studios). He is talking about artistic intent, and as the artist, he and only he should have the rights to fuck around with his films.

One thing that it is doing very quickly is showing us that despite Bel being Freddie's boss, that isn't how he sees it; it shows his arrogance and confidence. and the closeness of the two despite this.

Yeah, but Legba's kinda cool that way.