Johnny Daytona

It's a remake of a twenty-nine year old movie. That movie was a remake of a thirty-one year old movie. In thirty-odd years, we can expect a remake of this one.

This would be a great album to listen to while drinking a fine Starbucks Frappachino and watching Children's Hospital!

Forgotten TV/Forgotten novels
I think an interesting comparison might be to literature. There are thousands upon thousands of novels that were very popular at the time - the literary Murphy Browns - but no one remembers any more. As TV history is on the verge of moving beyond living history - another twenty years,

@Craig J Clark - Ticketmaster was fucking awesome. Because of the way it was set up in our store, it was in the Video room and on on-sales we controlled the line entering the room, staff always got first pulls on the shows we wouldn't be able to get guest listed for.

ITV at its finest
While Showtime probably has some hand in the production of the show, it is very clearly a product of ITV, the UK equivalent to both CBS and FOX at the same time. Secret Diary, by the way, is one of their better shows.

Courtney Cox wishes she still looked that human.

So this is it? Dying in comics has reached the point when even the publishers aren't pretending it really matters?

You don't have to eat a whole apple to know it's rotten.

@Duckbag: I bow before your pedantry - of course all writing is not manipulative. Pardon my generalisation. Let me clarify something that was fairly clear in the context of my point: all fiction writing is manipulative. And so is a lot of non-fiction writing. And I will stand by that. Narrative is an attempt to

I tried reading it, but it was terrible. Seriously fantasy people, if this is one of the *best* fantasy novels, you are setting the bar pretty low The writing was manipulative and seemed shocking for the sake of shock value, with far too much wheel spinning instead of getting on with the plot. I gave up about a tenth

I would love the fuck of of Joni and the Pussycats.

Sure, like that time Spector took three months to get John Lennon to record six songs. And then stole the tapes.

No, that is simply impossible. Jesus did not speak English and could not have written Shakespeare's plays. Even assuming that Jesus wrote them in Aramaic or Greek, and they were later translated into English, there is far too much of the texts that is specific to Elizabethan/Jacobean England for someone to have


'The Magicians' was the biggest book of suck that ever sucked a giant sucking ass suck. FACT.

The Secret to Listening to this Album
I like this album quite a bit. The thing about this album is that despite being a double album, it isn't bloated - there are no bad songs or poor choices. There is just *a lot* of it. But if you listen to one disk at a time, rather than confront the whole thing, it's excellent. I

Missing from the list: Allo Darlin', The Poloroid Song

Dean plays Galaxie 500
I'm unsure how I feel about this - well, actually, I am sure, but I have conflicting feelings. On one hand, I'm really excited about seeing this show, on the other, I really would have liked to see the actual Galaxie 500.

What with all the times Edward Norton went around being a dick, I am shocked and stunned at these accusations of dickishness.

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK, but it relates to the comment above. Sorry folks. British.