
"Invictus maneo" is a great phrase to end the episode with but I liked Anthony's "As the Romans said: Morior invictus [= I die undefeated]" better

Who says he isn't? I can't remember him saying he was born in New Orleans

Well, maybe NBC now reconsiders cancelling A to Z since they lack things to replace it with…oh wait, we are talking about NBC…nvm then

Bawwy is back! I kinda missed him^^

I really don't know much canon references, so could someone explain why 12B as an apartment number is relevant?

But that's the point exactly: Those are plot details. For example, in the finale of Series 3, the Big Picture™ is "the Doctor manages to use the Master's own technology against him". The actual way he does it is a plot detail and should have been written by someone else.

I think Caroline hits the nail on the head: RTD is good for the big-picture stuff while Moffat is better when he writes episodes but isn't in charge of the whole story. Some of my favorite episodes (like "The Empty Child" / "The Doctor Dances" or "Silence in the Library" / "Forest of the Dead") during the RTD-era were

Am I missing something or is the flash forward to after the honeymoon the first time the show confirmed that barney and Robin actually get married?

My opinion: Moffat writes great episodes but he needs someone to keep him in check or he'll go too far with his ideas. Now RTD is gone, there is noone doing that anymore. Many of my favorite episodes (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead etc.) were written by Moffat but at that

I think the reason it's not a woman is then they'd have to cast young men as companions and who'd want to see that? ;-)

Yes but the show does those things in context. Annie does not like the monkey's name. The oil wrestling was because Britta and Annie disagreed on how much a woman should use her sexuality to get men to give them money. The foam-pool-scene was a dream, etc.
There's a difference between using sexuality as a story-telling

I enjoy sarcasm very much and even I have to agree that this was not a good episode. Maybe not a D but a C+ but still very bad compared to the usual standard of Futurama episodes.

"where Jesus awakens from being accidentally frozen for 500 years, and
assimilates to his new surroundings with the help of his robot pal and a
hot lady starfighter pilot."
I'm not a religious guy but I would so watch that!

"And many longtime correspondents have moved on to other things, from Colbert and Carell to Corddry and Cenac"
Is it me or does your name have to start with a C in order to move on? ;-)

Yeah, although I knew them before they told me that^^

Okay, that's just illogical in terms of story telling: We know from the end of "Band or DJ?" that Ted found out exactly a week before the wedding that the base player for the wedding band is Cindy's ex-roommate and we know from "Girls vs Suits" and "Big Days" that he considers said roommate to be the perfect woman for

Sidenote: Hearing a song by The Shins always cheers me up, no matter what :-D

Yeah, when I saw that only a minute was left, I was getting annoyed that the mother was not seen - again - but then they showed her and it fitted perfectly. Given the storylines, there was no way the wedding could have been shown adequately, so leaving it for season 9 made perfect sense.

8pm means it will air opposite TBBT, won't it? Stupid scheduling decision imho. They should move the whole comedy block to another day - NBC should have realized by now that they can't compete with CBS on Thursdays.

"It’s a false climax, we learn." The show made it pretty obvious that John Douglas is not Moriarty from the beginning - Moriarty would not use such an easy to guess alias or have any past that could be discovered by a quick file check. The problem the reviewer sees here is not a problem at all - the confrontation with