
I love this show. And not only because of Allison Brie. Which is a really big compliment since I only started watching it because of her

A universe in which Adam Scott hosts the Tonight Show? Sign me up!

Also, why exactly is Major still running around a free man with all the people he kidnapped?

Liv didn't know about the raid but she knew about the bug and she only told Major that Harley knew about it too

There are approximately 100 million native speakers. It shouldn't be too expensive. Heck, I'm German and I'd probably do it for the credit alone ;-)

That nudie mag can't be real (without having to Google it) since the title is the result of someone not speaking German trying to translate "outdoor family" using Google Translate (incidentally that is also how all of Krieger's German dialogue sounds unfortunately, ruining the illusion that he really is a crazy German

I'm sure the mother is the mastermind. Why do we always assume that the men are the bosses?

I'm surprised Lucifer didn't ask God Johnson about Chloe and why his powers don't work with her around

Regarding Alaska P. Davidson: You know a reference is obscure if not even Wikipedia has a page on it. xD

I understand Fillmore Graves is preparing to fight for Zombie survival but wouldn't their people be trying to replicate the cure just in case?

Noooooo, i was hoping for Dr. Horrible 2 🙁

My first thought as well.

I know Nazis are evil, but do we really have to pretend they were so stupid they didn't notice the supposedly German Dr. Krieger was speaking with a strong American accent and can't even pronounce umlauts? Couldn't they get someone who actually speaks German to voice him in those flashbacks?

So Larry's twin brother is called Harry Henderson? Oo

"I need backup. Wait, you are unhinged? Well, then I'll just go alone to the place I expect bad guys to be. I mean, just because the President asked me to do everything I can to track them down, I can't go and ask him for some trusted Secret Service agents as backup, right?"

But killing a few thousand people is nothing compared with the psychological toll of the nation when the statue of liberty explodes

It's scary good to see that Thrawn is so competent, he would have killed them all without a problem if not a single commander had disobeyed his orders. Most villains have a weakness to exploit but his only weakness is that he has to rely on others for his plans.

Finally Maul is dead, good riddance. I never understood the fascination with this character, he is neither particularly intelligent nor interesting. Thrawn on the other hand…

I think the reviewer did get it right, just in different words. Maul never grew after that first battle with kenobi, always looking for revenge. Kenobi on the other hand became wiser and more skilled, so he knew how to handle him now.

Good point with the lure. I mean, how incompetent must the show's FBI be if someone asking for their prime suspect is not being investigated? Can anyone just pretend to be a lawyer and ask about high-profile criminals?