
The LMOE writers are apparently fairly optimistic that 45 would not be President for the whole term although based on Pence's birthday and the age mentioned in the episode, he could have died between June 7, 2020 and June 6, 2021, so he might have been elected in the mean time

Any episode that makes the same person in you root for Dennis, the most deranged person of the gang, has to be really good.

My video was too reduced in quality but can Schmidt's first name be seen on the business cards?

The TIE Defenders can be seen in ANH, one piloted by Darth Vader. The others seemed to have been planet stationed versions, thus there was no need for them in ep. IV

So she knows someone wants to shoot the President and she thinks "Ah, well, I'll just race there myself, no sense calling the Secret Service and telling them that I know exactly where the bad guy is"? Sounds plausible.

Being of Italian descent, I literally cringed when Ozzie "corrected" Jonathan on the pronunciation of "bruschetta". If you eat worse versions of our cuisine, at least learn to pronounce the names!

2003 TMNT was the best incarnation of the franchise, so anytime people borrow from it is a good thing

So Azrael is looking for her blade but can't see it being used dozens of times? And why can't Lucifer just summon Azrael like he did his brother? Surely, she'd be happy to take her knife back?

I am still hoping that it's all just a red herring and he too was tricked to look guilty

Then why decline being speaker of the house? He is third in line and there is no vp, so it would be the same but less suspicious

There is no logical reason why anyone would hire that bunch of losers other than it's part of the plan to have the fail. Which is sad because before there was at least some kind of possible reason why anyone would think them to be competent enough to actually do their job

I understand the visual of Imperials all looking like identical drones but it really hurts the show when all rebel pilots look like dime-a-dozen redshirts (literally in this episode) as well. We are supposed to care for these guys for Pete's sake.

Didn't they do an episode last season in which it was revealed that Hitchcock and Scully are actually very competent but just pretend not to be? Oo

You, Sir, are a genius. *bow*

Shame on me then. Still, in Psych he is all tough and no-nonsense and in this show he plays the silly king perfectly from the start

Is it a testament to my cluelessness or to Timothy Omundson's acting that I didn't realize until now that this was the same actor who I watched on Psych for years?

I cringed when I thought they were actually trying to do the two girls to the party thing. As such I was happily surprised that Goldberg managed to defuse the idea so easily and logically while still allowing Adam to learn something: be yourself but don't be a moron.

Listening to Fred talk I was reminded of an episode of Animaniacs titled "Chairman of the Bored". If you don't know it, go watch it

I'm pretty sure it's Yao, not Yow (cf. the sign of the office)

TheTVDB lists 10 episodes until December 13