
Sometimes I'm really getting annoyed: After that Georgia guy shot Emma, how come neither Miles nor Charlie simply shot Monroe? The girl was dead already, so hitting her was not a problem anymore. Instead, they watch blankly for half a minute until Monroe can be dragged away. Keeping him alive as a villain is fine and

While the Fusco backstory flashbacks were pretty mild compared to the character we saw in the first episodes, one has to notice that they only cover the beginning of his dirty-cop-career. There is no reason to assume that he didn't do much worse things in later years before 2011, so the conclusion that it "doesn’t

I think Troy sending Abed to break up with Britta makes sense. He was always a popular guy in high school but he also never really matured, so it's natural that breaking up a honest-to-god-relationship with a sweet if weird girlfriend would scare him so much that he needs a different way to do it and he finds it by

Actually, I think the nanite reveal this week made more sense in the whole thing. Tiny robots that sap electricity and multiply just to strike some military target seems like overkill but tiny robots that attack cancer cells would have to multiply all the time to work and so it makes sense to assume that this was

If J. J. Abrams actually uses this plot, I foresee his brutal murder by
Star Wars fans very shortly after the release of Ep. VII^^

Oswalt's character was lucky that Ben wasn't there to hear his Star Wars theories. That would have been a bloodbath^^

I like the way Troy confirms Jeff without saying anything. It's a nice sight gag that's easy to miss

Is it me or is the line of the Doctor saying that he was there a long time ago with his granddaughter the first time she has explicitly been mentioned in the new series? He previously talked about being a father (in "The Empty Child" for example) but I can't remember Susan being referred to before.

(sorry, double post)

I hate "comedy" which consists solely of people making fools of themselves to cozy up to somebody in order to get something. There's really not much fun in watching otherwise intelligent characters behaving like stupid kids..

I rather enjoyed the tag with Takei and Hamill, especially the "perhaps you like to watch a bunch of teddy bears dance in the trees" line with Hamill's "Are we really going to do this again?" response^^

Three years doesn't seem that fast to me, I actually have friends who were married and had a kid after three years

This episode also says it's "Robots vs. Wrestlers: Legends", a special version featuring old-timey robots vs. senior citizens; that's not the same as the normal one, so it might still be true that they went every year.

But remember, in the end of "How I Met Everyone Else" and in the beginning of "Garbage Island", 2020/2021 Ted looks noticeably aged while 2033 Ted looked exactly like 2013 Ted. 

Even if it was April 1, 2013, 45 days from then would be later than May 13, 2013

"Exactly 45 days, huh? That's May 9, 2013." - Yes but future Ted talks about a "cold APRIL night", so the episode is set at least a few days in the future, so it can't be May 9, 2013. The soonest would be May 15, 2013

More precisely it was future Ted wishing he could go back in time and see his future wife 45 days before he actually met her, since he tells her all the stuff Future Ted would know but hypothetical Ted won't

He did have it four years ago (4x14, "The Possimpible"). Since Ted is fantasizing (or rather combining memories and fantasy), it's likely that he got a few things wrong. Or the writers simply wrote "5 years" when they meant "4 years", mistakes happen…