The main part of that movie that sticks with me after a re-watch is how, after two complete Avengers movies, the airport fight is still the first scene in movie history to capture the energy of a full, well-done superhero splash page.
The main part of that movie that sticks with me after a re-watch is how, after two complete Avengers movies, the airport fight is still the first scene in movie history to capture the energy of a full, well-done superhero splash page.
Yeah, it's a bad thing. I expect a detailed ten-minute explanation of the entire movie as the result of the medical experiments vaguely referenced in the original, complete with a fake evil corporation behind all of it called something like EvilSyn or Lucifer Enterprises, Jr.
This is the exact story that the script-writer declared they were trying to avoid in earlier interviews, because it's basically Hal Jordan's origin, and more importantly, Hal Jordan's origin per the Green Lantern movie.
I hear they're planning on making him a black woman! Political correctness is out of control in this, the year 2016, I tell ya!
Since the Eye of Agamotto will surely be one in Doctor Strange, I wonder if they'll have any left in the bucket.
As gross as I feel writing this, it's an insult to Millar and Straczynski to call the mess Marvel's in right now comparable to what they did with Stark in "Civil War".
If they "sidekick" her, it's gonna piss me off, and I'm not going to be loudest angry voice about it by a long shot, I'm sure.
I find this ends up being evidently the case for pretty much anyone who insists that Mar-Vell has to be in the movie, that they "prefer" the icky mess of the early Ms. Marvel story, and so on down the line for most of the ultra-comics-nerd excuses for knee-jerking in opposition to the movie's premise (putting aside…
At which point they would have to explain to almost all of their audience what an Inhuman is, because their previous brand strategy there turned out to be a total flop.
For whatever it's worth, I would have preferred a story with Monica Rambeau and Carol Danvers that suggested that "Captain Marvel" is something anyone could be, with shades of the "Captain Universe" super-powers from the books, but I think it would have been a hard sell to a company interested in strict brand…
He's clearly made out of a carefully crafted Martian Manhunterite-Supermanian composite.
Well, that's just plain incorrect. The comics started out with a consistent theme for her super-powers - the mutant ability to make small things go wrong for people around her, at will - then expanded that over years of character development into a growing talent to manipulate reality on a larger scale. (And if they'd…
But that's not a movie about Carol Danvers. That's a movie about another character that offers the hope of a sequel about Carol Danvers. If they're going to pick that character, they need to invest in it. The only smart way to go is to jettison anyone else named "Captain Marvel", sad as it is (I prefer Rambeau).
I always found it odd that when Danvers-as-superhero put on something less body-hugging than a teddy and thigh-highs, it was instantly used to symbolize her emotional "armor" shielding her from fears of her own newfound impotence and ended with a descent into untreated alcoholism and disgrace.
It's Hal Jordan's origin story with Mar-Vell. That is, if Hal Jordan had decided to wear Star Sapphire's outfit.
Cavill's a better casting choice for a feature film by leaps and bounds, so it's a real pity about the movies.
And how they added insult to injury with that flip Whedon-style line they gave Smulders! It's like they were eager to prove that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch had no place in their story other than to put a boot-heel down on Disney's film rights to the characters, something that I don't believe was ever in dispute.
If I were them, I'd go with three characters getting empowered in one go by the same process: Rambeau, Danvers, and Karla Sofen in full psychopath mode, with the former two duking it out with the latter. Marvel always needs an evil duplicate type for the first movie, multiple heroes are something both mildly…
…Remotely palatable to an audience containing people other than Marvel comics nerds?