I mean… it has potential as long as it's completely new and nothing like the continuity-entangled morass of the character's comic book story.
I mean… it has potential as long as it's completely new and nothing like the continuity-entangled morass of the character's comic book story.
Right - all the wrong lessons learned from the greats of the '80s, but they do seem to be a reliable route to profit.
It tells you a lot about the ceiling of quality you can expect from superhero TV.
It'd be nice if they aimed a superhero series at the higher-brow audience of "Orange is the New Black", yes - but it wouldn't be a good idea if they wanted to maintain viewers. The history of comics, movies and TV shows in recent years demonstrates that superheroes are largely for folks who want the same stories told…
You're pretty embarrassing. Maybe you should read another site. For one thing, you obviously haven't been exposed to much criticism or analysis.
Kind of amazing how you started whining in tune as soon as you possibly could.
Or DC'd its game up, at least.
Mild-mannered! I'll be damned if I'm going to let you mangle a cliched anachronism on my watch!
Use a score from somewhere other than "Minivan-Driving White Guys' Hip Hop Top 10", maybe.
One thing that Wu-Tang and Dead Prez have in common with Luke Cage is that a lot of white boys are into them. Besides being ancient artifacts of pop culture, I mean.
On the contrary, the decades of tired re-use of existing trivia-question characters is the poison that is creatively killing Marvel and DC. I loathe Bendis because he's just as likely to engage in it as any other current writer with more output than ideas.
Seems to me like a guaranteed winner in today's market. But I agree, it sucked.
"Exceptional debuts" of the umpteenth version of long-standing characters that, in their actual debuts, presented something sharp, new and necessary to their subgenre, a couple of shots in the arm to DC's creatively comatose patient, one from within, one from without (until such time as it could be purchased!) If only…
Super Paper Mario is by far my favorite, and I love all of them. If it helps, Chrono Trigger:Secret of Mana::Thousand-Year Door:Super Paper Mario, at least as far as gameplay is concerned. I think it's a little better of a fit for Mario, which started out as a platformer.
I… didn't think anyone wanted depth in their Mario games. If such people exist, they frighten me.
Well, maybe if they hadn't just stood there while Merve whistled a space arrow around like space arrow Otis Redding…!
It's a nice sentiment, but since they want to make money, the best option is neither of those.
OpFor was overall an innovative addition to the game and didn't deserve the hate it got from some quarters back then. My only real issue with it was likely unavoidable - they couldn't help the difference in Gearbox's art design peeking out at certain points from under the lampshade they hung on it. Its brand X aliens…
The point where the Overwatch is reintroduced in Half-Life 2 (the battle between them and the Rebels at the end of "We Don't Go to Ravenholm…") is an orgy of good design.