Don Marz

Are you a pathological liar born into a wealthy family? Because that's how Tom Ford did it. I wouldn't waste tears on him.

It actually seems like he made a lot of money for very little work.

If he wants to make money later, he'll keep implying he helped swing an election. I'm sure he's aware of that fact. Is the writer of this article aware of it?

Billy Kaplan has been many things. An Avenger. A Young Avenger. An X-Man. A Champion. An Inhuman. A Defender. A Justice Leaguer. A Teen Titan. A Doom Patroller. A WildC.A.T. Accessible to people who haven't been reading superhero comics for their entire lives. No, wait, scratch that last one.

He's the son of two Texas realtors and he lied his way into a job in the fashion industry. So, yeah, he's a jackass.

I was just saying last week how contemporary fiction doesn't have enough stories about the ennui and mores of the modish rich.


Ah don't rightly know what it is, but ah reckon ah'm agin it.

I watched an episode of this once. Seemed fine. I didn't watch another, though, so anyway, cool story Don.

Wow, sounds like this kneejerk cynic picked the wrong career. I feel like I'd have both assumed that's what they meant and made a decent case for it.

Glory to you, Gur raq… AND YOUR HOUUUUUUSSSE

Because The Flash is like Green Lantern, Superman or a number of other superheroes: they have to chop down his powers periodically and arbitrarily to introduce conflict to his world. Similarly, if they're going to have them play with others, they have to amp up Green Arrow, Batman and the like or they come off like

It's possible, even probable, that some things that happen in comics are not good choices for a TV show.

They should probably just lay off with the new villains for a bit and shell out a bit more to make the existing ones into recurring characters (those that haven't already been snapped up by a spin-off, that is).

Not bad thinking on the contract issue. An upvote for you.

Well, they did release it on November 9th.

I suspect this will end up like the Taco Bell chihuahua: a much-talked-about ad campaign that fails to sell the product.

I don't think that would work well with the atmosphere they've set up for this family of shows.

Tonight’s Supergirl presents a world where no one questions that women can be strong leaders, where gay people are openly supported, where climate change research is a top priority, and where humans and aliens of all races realize they’re stronger together than they are apart.

They're the same guy, note the names.