The weirdest fight.
The weirdest fight.
A man… who dared to believe the Internet.
Calm down.
Adam Hughes… probably not the guy you want on an Archie book.
I played Tri for quite a while, mostly online. I'm looking for an excuse all the time, so maybe.
I was on either side of that temporal divide at different times as a kid and didn't notice much difference.
Brad Dourif's scenes in Exorcist III are close to the pinnacle of portraying what it might be like to talk to the Devil. It doesn't exactly qualify as a "version of Satan" …but it also might, depending on how you take certain lines in certain scenes.
Those two seemed like they were on a different show sometimes.
I agree with the article. The third season of "Enterprise" was "Voyager"'s premise done right, but the fourth season was kind of a slog through important questions for nervous Star Trek fans, like a Rudyard Kipling Just So story about how come Klingons looked different once they got a Hollywood budget.
Is Generations worth buying a system to play?
Article is interesting but this is really just a thing that never went away and never will. It's not like the Internet, texting, etc. somehow spread truth more quickly than lies, which the story itself notes, pace its headline.
It's fun as kitsch in those episodes at least. It was a back lot, what-props-do-we-have show propelled by a group of crafty boosters behind the scenes including Lucille Ball. Gene Coon is, to me, the real story there though, a guy desperately trying to work in series arcs and recurring motifs in episodic sci-fi TV.
No superhero movies. —me
Waller is one of the characters DC has that's proven fruitful for writing contemporary stories & Davis has skill enough to take the role into other, better movies if this one flops. This is one of the few times I'd say Time Warner has made a solid call.
Years have slipped past like raindrops against a car window and this is what people want now.
I read it that way - Ray is shown throughout as the guy trying to think ahead based on what he already knows but keeps doing it in a way that outpaces practical action (he keeps putting his foot in his mouth, etc.), so the implication seemed to be that Ray deduced the situation while Gozer was talking and tried to…
To me, this came down to a hard choice in perk decisions that added to, rather than subtracted from, the game. There are a couple perks that allow you to break down many of the game's most common weapons into rare materials, and I had to think hard about how much I enjoyed building settlements before choosing them…
Although I kind of like him myself, I'd also like to read what you'd have to say about that in detail.
Although it was well past the point where I was watching the show regularly, I was always glad that Thompson was recognized and brought into Saturday Night Live for his excellent sketch comedy work on Nickelodeon.
I knew this was coming and I accept it, in emulation of "Letter from Birmingham Jail".