Wow, that game really is like medieval Poland.
You'll need to pick up a bottle of K-Y connector.
If your algorithm searches for "thief" before deciding to reply to a comment, I think that counts as a forfeit.
Technically that means only one-half of speed runs are over by that point, but nice video.
It's hard to say what I like most about your style, but it's probably your commitment to your cross-site personal branding.
Are we still doing phrasing?
Yes, ennh, yes and yes, respectively.
I like to think about how inside of him there's a layer of 2-dimensional wires and then a hollow empty space in the shape of his skin and clothing. Rrrow!!
"No Russian."
I really, really, really, really wish The Daily Show would go back to not caring.
It's true - the country is sorely divided between people who want to vote for one of the major-party candidates for President and the rest of us.
I hold down the run button everywhere and it's never fast enough.
It's true. In Paris, I'd usually shoot up with slo-mo juice at the start of each neighborhood and begin throwing grenades around corners.
Also, and this seems to send some heads spinning for some reason, Marvel is actively involved in all the other studios' adaptations and I honestly don't think any of them would move ahead with one nowadays without Marvel's support.
I'll watch it if it's "Dazzler" because I'm confused why there's no "Dazzler" out there.
And also, insanely, made a Grand Theft Auto clone the most immersive game out there for a little while.
I didn't understand the point of it in video games until I realized I'd filled every permanent container I could access in Skyrim with worthless crap that I hauled there once and never took out again.
I found Dragon Age: Inquisition impossible to take seriously because at any speed of movement, switching party members during dialogue caused everyone else to freak out and run left and right frantically to try and get behind the character I was controlling, talking calmly all the while. I guess because 95% of players…
Charles Baudelaire, the French pre-Symbolist poet,