Everything about Anselmo has aged badly because Darrell's sainted reputation only reinforces how Phil is an absolute monstrous dick of a person. (I experienced this myself after a small-venue Down show.)
Everything about Anselmo has aged badly because Darrell's sainted reputation only reinforces how Phil is an absolute monstrous dick of a person. (I experienced this myself after a small-venue Down show.)
I don't know, what might be the historical issue in superhero comics that might lead away from pretending the industry is color-blind?
I see we're already getting a waterfall of comments by people pretending to not understand the question of creator perspective vs. character check-boxes.
Since that makes no sense, why not think a little harder until you arrive at the actual question raised here? It's not like it hasn't been discussed thoroughly all over the place.
I don't know if they've ever had an "Iron Woman" by name before.
Gradius, Jr., pretty much. Which is a compliment!
I agree with the comment you're replying to - I'd view this film with skepticism and question its potentially exploitative nature - so I'm wondering where I pick up my check.
Skepticism isn't apology.
What's behind the facade is a Western propaganda film?
Limp Bizkit really jewed the metal scene!
More a proximate cause than anything; it's not like nü-metal acts knew what to take from their influences in general.
The one and only thing I will give Durst is that changing the first few lines of "Faith" to flatter the song's narrator instead of the object of his affection was funny the first time I heard it.
"Nü-metal" responsibility rests with Pantera, in my opinion, as the folks who most publicly folded the dying hair metal scene into Southern rock and spoken word.
Oh, come on, between the clueless nerd tourists and the punk vandals, you're going to force-meet some interesting people.
"So, uh, did Dr. Light rape Ralph's wife? …No, that's not a weird question! …Look, never mind, this is very important: we need to kill Wonder Dog."
I heard they were replacing it with just a little sculpture of Frank Miller flogging a brown person.
You win the "other things I could have posted at you" contest.
It occurs to me that there may be some sort of devil/Hell thing going on here. Someone needs to look into that.
He could have a neat identifying symbol like a Celtic cross or swastika, maybe tattooed prominently on his body.