Issue/page/panel! *intensely angry*
Issue/page/panel! *intensely angry*
If you believe in yourself, one day a European will appear in your life with better drugs than you've ever imagined.
No, we don't. I decree "we" to be the people who don't, and you're out of the club.
*grabs your shoulders* Dude. California. New York City. Difference. Point.
It can't possibly be sadder than how Marvel writers and artists now email their work from Cleveland but are largely forced by editorial to pretend they live in and love New York City.
Sure, please feel free to provide whatever fake insider knowledge you have to my comment to get to the other part that matters.
I don't like this show but breathe, dude.
I don't know why on Earth you would mistake a remake of Police Squad! for a TV version of Naked Gun, I mean Airplane!.
It's your average Sorkin show. Every scene is either ended by a definitive pronouncement by a white guy or it just sort of ends, which makes a lot of each episode superfluous.
Well, luckily Sorkin is on record condescending to women so we don't have to guess.
One Headline That Highlights How Sometimes You Just Don't Need That Adjective
"Stoner", you mean "stoner".
Why aren't they using the design invented in their city during World War II by a native instead of the one invented by a dozen storyboarders in California in 2009?
I assume you mean he'd tell you that people who die in violent massacres are often actors who really survived.
That's… not really a reason why people should go see it.
Yeah, I understand the sequel takes place in an alternate universe. While in our own, Will Smith was the public face of the first movie and thus any future franchise.
Toke up out back during the med school parts and it's fine.
It's a Spielberg kids' movie with a summer release that made $22 million on its first weekend, in the year 2016.
Legend of Tarzan seems, to me, like one of the first movies of the true post-American Hollywood market. I feel like that movie could only have been okay'd based on projected box office elsewhere.