Then again, no one's likely to decide not to see this movie based on a C+, two of four stars, etc. because no one is kidding themselves about this movie or the first one.
Then again, no one's likely to decide not to see this movie based on a C+, two of four stars, etc. because no one is kidding themselves about this movie or the first one.
While what they should be doing is adapting some aw-shucks character like Deadman that has a chance for the same sort of appeal as Deadpool, and giving it to the right director. (It's a shame the names are so similar.)
What We Do In The Shallows…Is About A C, C-Plus
Most people who go to see any movie with a wide release will not have a particular opinion on the director. If you need to have one, your movie better have a tiny budget or it's not going to make anything back.
I have never asked for a refund on a movie ticket. (I received one once, though, for an IMAX movie where a faulty heat sensor caused the projector to quit three times in the last half hour before the credits.)
Up to you. I hate to waste a nice afternoon.
Intelligence comes at a high cost everybody pretends they like to pay.. The price is loneliness and depression.
It's a joke by the casting director and the punchline is whoever pays to see this movie.
I walk out of movies when I think of something I could do that I'd rather be doing while the movie finishes itself. You probably wouldn't be surprised how on-board other people are with that, given the movies I abandon.
The weirdest would be the Chao game on the VMU. Raise virtual pets for Sonic's garden! Wait, what?
Good movie, good villain.
They have the Scorpion left, which is a Jameson story.
Rebooting it? You mean making another cartoon show?
Comments are pretty cool, yeah.
What, did she take Obama off?
Whereas you make it in comment form?
Weird people were still having this debate on CompuServe when I left to find civilization.
The trailer had one good laugh, Kevin Hart's character hot-stepping away from a live grenade, so the headline seems about right.
Forza? Probably?