Don Marz

It's a few hours too late for Cold War week, but I was re-reading Red Son and Millar and his editors confuse "temerity" with "tenacity". This wouldn't matter much except super-genius Lex Luthor is the one who delivers the line.

It's easy? That sucks. I only played Hitman 2, way after the fact, and I was glad for the sort of challenge that rarely shows up in games anymore: figure out a puzzle in one of many ways while a timer counts down.

Do their moms ever find their diaries?

One of those shows where I don't want to watch it anymore but am glad it will keep a lot of people involved with it in a high enough profile to survive professionally.

I've never seen their videos and maybe I never will but silent episodes are good so good job to the guys I see above who might be the people described in the article.

The original vision? Like, what you've gathered from the commercials you've seen?

He didn't really have a reason for turning into a revenge-driven evil Ant-Man while doing those things, but luckily the magic science made him crazy so the third act didn't have to be any different from the studio formula.

The Ant-Man movie did have a painful amount of things happening in it for no real reason, so maybe.

I don't know a lot about this alternate universe where TW/DC was prompted to move away from the tone of Nolan's movies based on his sequels making a lot more money than the Iron Man movies at the same time, both in the U.S. and across the world. As far as I can tell, Snyder's movies were an attempt to retain what

They are counting on men wanting to have sex with a cartoon character they saw as adolescent boys.

Perhaps there are good and bad palindromes. Bad palindromes may resemble a popular Flash cartoon character.

I intend to take every story on April Fool's Day completely seriously, by the way. Enjoy my comments.

So, what, they just ported over the defunct X-Force script?

This band does not have a good name.

Those crazy Soviets were sure wrong about the ever-escalating crises of capitalism leading to mass support for socialists in the United States.

Or if one or the other of the people involved were someone other than a little-known attempted-professional-opinion-spouter, and instead had some sort of special insight to offer.

Or at least bring on somebody that anyone has heard of outside the go-nowhere "podcast" circuit. Why would I care what this guy hates? I'm not even clear on why I'd care what he says. My entire opinion of him is now formed by this article, which says he does not like Dave Matthews Band because he did like them once,

Me too. I also bench-pressed my brother's girlfriend every day, then she sucked my dick and I drove away in the Batmobile. It was the worst thing I ever did.

Nothing this guy produces could be funnier than his attempt to paint a picture of himself as a popular, badass Lothario in high school (on the A.V. Club?) and then claim it's his deepest regret and "the worst thing" he ever did, ever, in his life.

It's a fair point that in reality, or even most semi-realistic fictional "universes", guys like the Punisher or Wolverine would just be straight-up mass murderers. Marvel's stories bend reality just so, and they end up as heroes instead.