Don Marz

*punches away on calculator* It checks out.

In general, an antihero is someone whom the narrative treats as though he's "our" hero, but is clearly no hero, and not even that great of a guy. There's a lot of Westerns that fit, but I think a good current example of an antihero narrative is "Better Call Saul".

Gotta defend his tender feelings against all those jackals out there in the press, make sure he's only got friendlies on the radar, all the stuff that tortures the mind of a sensitive creative-type like Zachary Snyder

"My" traditional definition? That's not exactly how tradition works.

Except in most Punisher stories, he's presented as absolutely justified in murdering everyone he murders, which makes sense, because they're Marvel books. That's pretty far from an antihero, a selfless guy who unerringly kills bad people.

To me, an antihero fits the traditional definition of an antihero. It's not a guy who gets away with killing because he's ultimately in the right and the people he kills are bad and faceless.

It goes to show that it doesn't really matter if Batman kills people. It matters if the movie makes Batman seem like a hero, or if it makes him seem like a sadist. You go that second route and you leech a lot of fun out of it.

But that's not really what's driving critics to nail him, since many of them could not give a shit less about superhero comics (and good for them, really).

…because he's Superman?

Which also resulted in a bad movie, but not one that under-performed box office expectations, but only because no one had high expectations for earnings from the Ant-Man movie since practically no one knew who the hell Ant-Man was before the movie, which takes us very, very far away from movies about Superman or

Yeah, but Avengers sucked too, so what are you gonna do, eh?

That could … also suck?

Original ending was weak regardless, etc.

They tend to be movies adapted from things that he didn't have anything to do with creating, which can't hurt. There's almost always some kind of word-of-mouth about the source material for his projects so he can ride in, collect his thirty pieces and ride out.

That movie's title doesn't lie.

The Dark Knight Strikes Again was:

Your name and comment are like a Moebius strip.

It's a silly article, with the intent of being silly. Calm down.

No offense to the writer, who makes many valid points about Zack Snyder sucking and making money off it, but the historical moral rectitude of superheroes isn't a concern of most people buying tickets to action movies on Easter weekend.

Luckily, kids don't really read superhero comics and haven't for over a decade.